Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Arts 9

Curricular Competencies

Students will be able to use the creative process to create and respond to the arts:

Exploring and creating

  • Create artistic works both collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, and purposeful play
  • Explore materials, environments, tools, and techniques by combining and arranging elements, processes, and principles
  • Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of personal, social, cultural, historical, and environmental contexts in relation to the arts
  • Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through artistic experiences
  • Select and combine elements and principles of the arts to intentionally create a particular mood, effect, or meaning

MediaSmarts Resources

Reasoning and reflecting

  • Describe, interpret, and evaluate how artists use tools, processes, technologies, materials, and environments to create and communicate ideas
  • Develop, refine, document, and critically appraise ideas, processes, and technical skills to improve the quality of works of art

MediaSmarts Resources

Communicating and documenting

  • Adapt and apply learned skills, understandings, and processes for use in new contexts and for different purposes and audiences
  • Compose, interpret, and expand ideas using symbolism, imagery, and elements
  • Revise, refine, analyze, and document creative works and experiences to enhance presentation and/or performance in a variety of ways

MediaSmarts Resources

Connecting and Expanding

  • Reflect on works of art and creative processes to make connections to personal learning and experiences
  • Take creative risks to experience and express thoughts, emotions, ideas, and meaning
  • Demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and the audience
  • Collaborate through reciprocal relationships during creative processes
  • Create personally meaningful bodies of artistic works that demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of social, cultural, environmental, and historical contexts
  • Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated application and/or engagement of curricular content

MediaSmarts Resources


Students are expected to know the following:

  • for each of the arts disciplines — dance, drama, music, and visual arts — the specific elements, principles, techniques, vocabulary, and symbols that can be used to create mood and convey ideas
  • the roles of performers and audiences in a variety of contexts
  • traditional and contemporary Aboriginal worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives communicated through artistic works
  • contributions of innovative artists from a variety of genres, communities, times, and places
  • personal and social responsibility associated with creating, performing, and responding in the arts
  • the ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism

MediaSmarts Resources