Theatre Company 12

Curricular Competencies

Explore and create

  • Explore, design, and refine a range of productions in a theatre company
  • Refine vocabulary, skills, and conventions through presentation or performance
  • Create theatre productions collaboratively using a variety of methods
  • Intentionally select and combine dramatic elements and conventions for an intended audience
  • Take creative risks to express ideas, meaning, and intent

Reason and reflect

  • Provide and respond to constructive feedback
  • Analyze, and respond to ways in which props, technologies, and environments are used in theatre productions, using discipline-specific language
  • Demonstrate awareness of self, audience, the theatre company, and place
  • Refine performances based on self-reflection, audience response, and director feedback
  • Reflect on personal experiences to develop and refine theatre productions

Communicate and document

  • Share, analyze, and respond to creative works
  • Select, communicate, and interpret ideas through a theatre production
  • Express personal voice, cultural identity, and values through character development
  • Demonstrate respect for self, company, and audience

MediaSmarts Resources


dramatic elements, principles, techniques, vocabulary, and symbols

dramatic forms

strategies and techniques to support creative processes

character development

stage etiquette

dramatic conventions, performers, and movements

a variety of dramatic genres and/or styles

movement, sound, image, and form

roles and responsibilities in a theatre company

innovative artists from a variety of genres, cultures, and periods

traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives communicated through theatre productions

ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism

health and safety protocols and procedures

MediaSmarts Resources