Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Media Arts 10

Curricular Competencies

Explore and create

  • Create media art using sensory inspiration, imagination, and inquiry
  • Explore artistic possibilities and take creative risks using various sources of inspiration
  • Create artistic works with an audience in mind
  • Create artistic works to reflect personal voice, story, and values
  • Develop and refine skills and techniques in creating media artwork
  • Demonstrate safe and responsible use of materials, tools, and work space

Reason and reflect

  • Identify ways to resolve creative challenges
  • Describe and analyze how artists use materials, technologies, processes, and environments in media arts
  • Recognize and evaluate creative choices in the planning, making, interpreting, and analyzing of media artworks
  • Develop personal answers to aesthetic questions
  • Reflect on the influences of a variety of contexts on artistic works

Communicate and document

  • Document, share, and appreciate media artworks in a variety of contexts
  • Communicate ideas and express emotions through art making
  • Demonstrate respect for self, others, and place
  • Communicate and respond to social and environmental issues using media art

Connect and expand

  • Explore First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge through media arts
  • Engage in digital citizenship throughout the creative processes

MediaSmarts Resources


  • elements and principles of design
  • image development strategies
  • media technologies
  • standards-compliant technology
  • a variety of image sources and genres
  • common vocabulary used in media arts
  • a range of materials, processes, and techniques
  • media production skills:
  • pre-production
  • production
  • post-production
  • use of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas and perspectives
  • First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through media arts
  • local, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists
  • ethical, moral, and legal considerations associated with media arts technology

MediaSmarts Resources