Art Studio 12
Curricular Competencies
Explore and create
- Create artistic works using sensory inspiration, imagination, and inquiry
- Examine artistic possibilities using a range of materials, processes, and technologies
- Intentionally select and combine materials, processes, and technologies to convey ideas, and justify choices
- Take creative risks to express thoughts and emotions through artistic works
- Refine artistic skills from a variety of styles
- Demonstrate innovation in creating artistic works and resolving creative challenges
- Examine contributions of traditional, innovative, and intercultural visual artists from a variety of movements, periods, and contexts
- Intentionally select and combine materials, processes, and technologies to convey ideas, and justify choices
- Reason and reflect
- Recognize and engage in the reciprocal process of critique
- Interpret and evaluate, using discipline-specific language, how artists use materials, technologies, processes, and environments in art making
- Evaluate design choices in artistic works
- Reflect on personal answers to aesthetic questions
- Reflect on the influences of a variety of contexts on artistic works
Communicate and document
- Document, share, and appreciate artistic works in a variety of contexts
- Anticipate audience impact of design choices and artistic works
- Demonstrate respect for self, others, and place through art making
- Express ideas, emotions, and values through art making
- Investigate and respond to social and environmental issues through visual art
- Connect and expand
- Create artistic works to reflect personal voice, story, and values
- Explore First Peoples perspectives, knowledge, and protocols; other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge through artistic works
- Examine the reciprocal relationships between visual arts, culture, and society
- Evaluate personal, educational, and professional opportunities in visual arts and related fields
- Connect with others on a local, national, or global scale through visual arts
- Demonstrate safe and responsible use of materials, tools, and work space
MediaSmarts Resources
- Art Exchange
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Parody Ads
- Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Remixing Media
- Secure Comics
- The Price of Happiness
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
- Watching the Elections
MediaSmarts Resources
- elements of visual art
- principles of design
- image development strategies
- materials, techniques, and technologies
- creative processes
- symbols and metaphors
- roles of and relationships between artist
and audience in a variety of contexts - influences of visual culture in social and other media
- traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews, stories, and history, as expressed through visual arts
- history of a variety of artistic movements, including their roles in historical and contemporary societies
- moral rights and the ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism
- health and safety protocols and procedures
- Art Exchange
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Parody Ads
- Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Remixing Media
- Secure Comics
- The Price of Happiness
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
- Watching the Elections