Corporate Partnerships

MediaSmarts relies on the support of our partners to help us achieve our vision of empowering people to engage with all forms of media confidently and critically.

We work closely with our partners to build curated partnerships to achieve engagement, awareness and social impact goals. Together, we support corporate social responsibility activities and the development of digital literacy programs, resources, and events like Media Literacy Week and Digital Citizen Day to benefit Canadians. To learn more about how we collaborate with our partners, click here.

We invite you to join us and ensure MediaSmarts’ resources and programs remain freely available and accessible to all Canadians nationwide. To learn more about becoming a partner, please reach out to We look forward to connecting with you. 

Our Corporate Partners & Supporters 

MediaSmarts is privileged to have the support of many dedicated companies and organizations who believe in our mission and share our commitment to developing and strengthening digital media skills. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the companies and organizations who are supporting our work. 

APTN 25th Anniversary logo
TikTok logo
Today's Parent logo

MediaSmarts partnerships do not constitute endorsement or recommendation. For more information about MediaSmarts’ mission, visions and values, please visit the About Us and Integrity at MediaSmarts pages.