Digital media literacy workshop delivery
MediaSmarts’ experts are available to facilitate virtual and in-person workshops in school and community settings for parents/guardians, educators, youth and the general public. Our workshops cover topics such as online safety, misinformation, digital well-being, managing tech in the home, diversity and representation in media, digital citizenship, critical thinking, online hate and more.
Self-guided workshops and workshop kits (for workshops landing page)
Self-guided workshops and workshop kits
For educators
Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Workshop
Digital Media Literacy 101 Educator Workshop
Facing Online Hate
That's Not Me: Diversity and Media
For general public (for workshops landing page)
Workshops for the general public
Break the Fake: How to tell what’s true online
The Break the Fake: How to tell what's true online workshop will teach audiences four quick, easy steps they can take to spot misinformation and find out if something online is true or not. Designed for audiences aged 11 and up, this workshop comes with everything you need to host a 60-minute presentation - including a slideshow, facilitator guide and handouts.
Digital literacy is a vital tool for education, employment and economic participation, civic engagement, and even health and wellness. It reinforces existing inequalities based on socioeconomic status, ethnicity, education, immigration status and gender. Given the importance of digital literacy skills to under-represented populations, MediaSmarts and YWCA Canada have partnered to develop and deliver DigitalSmarts, a digital literacy skills program.
For parents (for workshops landing page)
Workshops for parents/guardians
Raising Digitally Resilient Kids
The Parent Network: Social Media and Your Kids Workshop
Understanding the connected world of kids and teens can be challenging for parents because adults don’t communicate online in the same way and are not necessarily using the same social media. Even more challenging is the reality that there’s always something new coming around the corner.
Workshop for youth (for workshops landing page)
Workshops for youth
Respecting Yourself and Others Online Workshop
The Respecting Yourself and Others Online workshop was created to provide tweens and young teens with strategies and knowledge that will help them respect themselves, respect others and respect the space when using social media.