Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Arts 3

Curricular Competencies

Students will be able to use the creative process to create and respond to the arts:

Exploring and creating

Choose artistic elements, processes, materials, environments, tools, and techniques

Create artistic works collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, experimentation, and purposeful play

Explore identity, place, culture, and belonging through arts experiences

Explore relationships among cultures, societies, and the arts

MediaSmarts Resources

Reasoning and reflecting

Observe, listen, describe, inquire, and predict how artists use tools, processes, materials, and environments

Develop ideas, processes, and technical skills to improve the quality of artistic creations

Reflect on the creative process and make connections to other experiences

Connect knowledge and skills from other subject areas in planning, creating, interpreting, and analyzing works of art

MediaSmarts Resources

Communicating and documenting

Apply learned skills, understandings, and processes in new contexts

Interpret and communicate ideas using symbols to express meaning through the arts

Express feelings, ideas, and experiences in aesthetic ways

Describe and respond to works of art and explore artists' intent

Experience, document, perform, and share creative works in a variety of ways

MediaSmarts Resources


Students will know and understand the following Content:

elements in the arts, including but not limited to:

  • drama: relationships, role, and character through space, action, mood, and vocalizations
  • visual art: line, shape, space, texture, colour, form, tone, principles of design (pattern, repetition, balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm, and unity/variety)

materials, tools, processes, techniques, and technologies to support arts activities

notation to represent ideas

symbols as ways of creating and representing meaning

a variety of regional and national works of art and artistic traditions from diverse cultures, communities, times, and places, including traditional and contemporary Aboriginal arts and arts-making processes

MediaSmarts Resources