Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Drama 10

Curricular Competencies

Explore and create

  • Explore and create dramatic works to express ideas and emotions
  • Explore dramatic works through presentation or performance
  • Develop a repertoire of dramatic skills and techniques through presentation or performance
  • Develop performance skills in a variety of contexts
  • Intentionally select and combine drama conventions
  • Experiment with a range of props, processes, and technologies
  • Create dramatic works with an intended audience in mind
  • Improvise and take creative risks to express meaning

Reason and reflect

  • Describe, analyze, and respond using drama-specific language
  • Apply feedback to develop and refine ideas
  • Reflect on dramatic works and make connections with personal experiences
  • Examine the influences of social, cultural, historical, environmental, and personal context
  • on drama
  • Reflect on dramatic experiences and how they relate to a specific place, time, and context

Communicate and document

  • Document and respond to dramatic works and experiences in a variety of contexts
  • Compose, interpret, and expand ideas using symbolism and imagery
  • Express personal voice to respond to environmental and social issues

Connect and expand

  • Demonstrate personal and social responsibility associated with creating, performing, and responding to dramatic performance
  • Demonstrate respect for self, others, and the audience
  • Explore First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding through dramatic works
  • Make connections with family and community through drama and theatre

MediaSmarts Resources


  • drama elements, principles, vocabulary, and symbols
  • strategies and techniques to support creative processes
  • character development
  • drama forms and conventions
  • skills specific to a drama genre and/or style
  • the role of the performer, audience, and venue
  • movement, sound, image, and form
  • the influences of time and place on the emergence of dramatic works
  • traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives communicated through drama
  • ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism

MediaSmarts Resources