Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Theatre Production 10
Curricular Competencies
Explore and create
- Explore and create theatre productions using imagination, observation, and inquiry
- Intentionally select and combine production elements with an intended audience or effect in mind
- Explore the utility of a range of props, processes, and technologies
- Explore the variety of roles that support a production team
- Demonstrate innovation in production design
Reason and reflect
- Plan and refine theatre productions
- Receive and apply feedback to develop and refine ideas
- Describe and respond to artistic works using discipline-specific language
- Reflect on production development and make connections with other experiences
Communicate and document
- Demonstrate personal and social responsibility associated with creating, performing, and responding to theatre performance
- Document and respond to creative works and experiences in a variety of contexts
- Communicate ideas and emotions through design
- Express cultural identity and perspectives through theatre production
- Demonstrate respect for self, others, and the audience
- Respond to social and environmental issues using production elements
Connect and expand
- Use design to enhance stories with a specific place, time, and context
- Explore First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding through theatre production
- Explore ways in which theatre production can impact culture and society
MediaSmarts Resources
- Buy Nothing Day
- Dealing with Digital Stress
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- Images of Learning
- Who’s Telling My Story?
- production design, technical theatre, and theatre management
- elements, techniques, vocabulary, skills, and symbols in drama
- elements of design, principles of design,
- and image development strategies
- strategies and techniques that support creative processes
- movement, sound, image, and form
- the influences of time and place on
- drama forms
- production roles
- the roles of performers, crew, and audience
- in a variety of contexts
- traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural perspectives communicated through theatre
- potential hazards in the classroom and theatre environments
- ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism
MediaSmarts Resources
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- Popular Music and Music Videos
- Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
- Who’s Telling My Story?