Resources for Teachers - Marketing & Consumerism

On The Loose: A Guide to Life Online For Post-Secondary Students

On the Loose: A Guide to Online Life for Post-Secondary Students supports young adults who are experiencing both new freedoms and challenges in their post- secondary life.

Marketing to Teens: Talking Back - Lesson

This lesson helps teens become active consumers by encouraging them to 'talk back' to advertisers when they have concerns.

Thinking Like a Tobacco Company: Grades 7-9 - Lesson

In this lesson, students learn how the tobacco industry targets the needs, wishes and desires of young people in order to sell cigarettes.

Online Commerce

Kids don’t just see ads in media: more and more, they buy things right on their screens. This section looks at the ways that young people shop online and how they can be manipulated into spending.

Click If You Agree

When you sign up for a service on a website or use an application for the first time, do you read the privacy policy and terms of use thoroughly? Or, like most of us, do you click “I Agree” as fast as you can?