Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 4-5
Curricular Competencies
Applied Design
Choose a design opportunity
Identify key features or user requirements
Identify the main objective for the design and any constraints
Generate potential ideas and add to others’ ideas
Screen ideas against the objective and constraints
Choose an idea to pursue
Construct the final product, incorporating planned changes
Decide on how and with whom to share their product
Demonstrate their product and describe their process
Determine whether their product meets the objective and contributes to the individual, family, community, and/or environment
Reflect on their design thinking and processes, and their ability to work effectively both as individuals and collaboratively in a group, including their ability to share and maintain a co-operative work space
Identify new design issues
MediaSmarts Resources
- Avatars and Body Image
- Introduction to Cyberbullying: Avatars and Identity
- Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
Applied Skills
Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments
Identify the skills required for a task and develop those skills as needed
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Game Time
- Introduction to Cyberbullying: Avatars and Identity
- Pay For Play
- Privacy Pirates: An Interactive Unit on Online Privacy (Ages 7-9)
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 1: Using the Internet
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 2: Pathways and Addresses
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 3: Build Understanding
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
Educational Games
Applied Technologies
Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task
Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks
Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed
MediaSmarts Resources