‘Tis the season for festive viewing. At least in our home it is as we plan to celebrate Christmas and that means a lot of holiday movies and shows to watch! Yes, even as the kids have gotten older, this is one tradition that no one outgrows, at least in our home.
We continue to enjoy holiday favourites together, year after year. The list is fairly consistent. We always begin our season with A Muppet Christmas Carol, a movie that just celebrated it’s 30th anniversary. It’s a movie that has everything we could ask for. Amazing music, clever humour, sweet seasonal messaging and a strong cast. It’s one of Gonzo’s best, really.
We also have to watch Elf, a perennial favourite for its humour and heart. There are also the childhood cartoons (the ‘classics’ for us) that are on repeat annually, including Rudolph, Frosty and our Christmas Eve tradition: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the cartoon).

Over the years we’ve enjoyed newer movies like Netflix’s Jingle Jangle or the Phineas and Ferb Christmas. This year’s hit Spirited (starring Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell, who already had a hit with Elf during the holiday season) is on our list to watch.
If you are worried about keeping these traditions as your children get older, I’m here to tell you there’s no need to worry. You may have to schedule time to watch a bit differently in between homework and other commitments, but older kids appreciate and love getting into the spirit of the season as much as you do. If it's something you haven't watched before - or maybe haven’t watched in a while - keep the “Pause” button handy and be ready to talk about problematic representations in media and how we can like something and critique it at the same time.
Especially during a month that is so busy and overscheduled with school, work, special events and more, these movies and shows bring us back together. It’s the same jokes, the same story, year after year, but that familiarity and routine is what we all seem to crave.
Bake your favourite holiday cookies, pour the egg nog and make your must-watch list of holiday shows and movies. Then sit back and enjoy the magic of the memories you’ll make together!
P.S: Last year I wrote about shopping for older kids. If you need some last minute gift ideas, this list may help!
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