Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!

As we come to the end of 2012, we reflect on the busy and exciting year that just passed. We’re ending the year with a new name, new logo, and new website, but with the same dedication to supporting adults in helping raise a generation of media savvy youth!

Throughout 2012 we delivered on our commitment to helping parents, teachers, and community leaders address the many media issues affecting children and teens, including cyberbullying, body image, privacy and online safety. Along with launching new sections of our website on online privacy and diversity in the media, we released 21 new lesson plans and over a dozen tip sheets.

To help us continue providing Canadians with free, high quality, research-based resources in both official languages, we ask that you consider making a charitable donation to MediaSmarts this holiday season.

Donate Now through CanadHelps.org

Your support is greatly appreciated!!

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!