Ontario Health Curriculum: Media and Digital Literacy Connections for K-12


Ontario Health Curriculum: Media and Digital Literacy Connections for K-12

The new Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum released this year by the Ontario Ministry of Education is the first major revision to the subject area in almost 30 years. Many things have changed in that time – the advent of the Internet and social media, increased media consumption, and evolving social norms – and many of these changes are reflected in the updated curriculum.

Media and communications technology play an important role in a student’s health and physical education, for better or for worse. The new curriculum provides a spring board to start discussions related to health and media literacy.

In the new K-12 curriculum, most media and digital literacy resources connect best to the Healthy Living strand. The Digital and Media Literacy Outcomes section of our website shows how our resources meet curriculum outcomes for different subjects in each province and territory, including Ontario's new curriculum. We've also created Media and Digital Literacy Connections tip sheets for K-8 and 9-12 to highlight resources that meet particular outcomes in the new curriculum such as those relating to body image, food advertising and healthy relationships.