February 10 is Safer Internet Day (#SID2015): an annual international event organized by InSafe to help promote safer and more responsible use of online technologies, especially by young people. MediaSmarts and Facebook want you to help us mark the day by reminding youth to “think before they share” online!
It’s all about sharing
For young people, digital media are all about sharing: whether it’s their thoughts, photos or their latest favourite videos, almost all of the devices and platforms that youth use are designed to make it easy for them to share with others. The Think Before You Share guide and poster give youth the tools they need for safe, wise and ethical sharing online. They provide tips for dealing with “hot” emotional states like anger or excitement that can lead to making bad choices and they provide advice on where teens can turn to for support if things go wrong.
Young people want to make good decisions about sharing online. With the Think Before You Share guide and poster, they‘ll have the tools to do just that.
Tell all your friends!
Help us spread the word about this important resource: download a free copy of the guide and print off a copy of the poster to hang in your home, classroom, computer lab, community centre or library.
Let’s work together to make the Internet a better place!