Each month over half a million Internet users visit our Web site to access our extensive offerings of free media education and Internet literacy resources for educators, teacher-librarians, parents, students and researchers.
It's always an interesting exercise to look back on our Web stats at the end of the year to see what issues generated the most interest and which resources were the most popular. As always, media violence and representations of women were popular topics, but we also saw an increase in interest in alcohol advertising, Internet literacy and the mechanics of film-making. Finally, our interactive games Privacy Playground, Cybersense and Nonsense and Jo Cool or Jo Fool received consistent traffic throughout the year.
The following is a listing of the English language pages on our site that consistently received the highest number of hits throughout 2007:
Deconstructing Web Pages (lesson)
Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers (lesson)
The Price of Happiness: On Advertising, Image and Self Esteem (lesson)
Privacy Playground (interactive game)