Manitoba - Introduction to Broadcast Media Technology 10
Goal 3: Demonstrate an understanding of broadcasting theory and media literacy
GLO 3.1: Demonstrate an understanding of broadcasting theory. Demonstrate use of the terminology associated with broadcast media technology. Demonstrate an understanding of the theory related to video production, including composition, focus procedures, and white balancing. Demonstrate an understanding of the theory related to audio production, including recording techniques, sound levels, and microphone use.
MediaSmarts Resources
GLO 3.1: Demonstrate an understanding of media literacy as it pertains to broadcasting. Define and discuss media literacy.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Body Image and Social Media: Escaping the Comparison Trap
- Body Positive Ads
- Camera Shots
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Crime in the News
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- First Person
- Gambling in the Media
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Images of Learning
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Political Images: Memes and Cartoons
- Popular Music and Music Videos
- Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
- Remixing Media
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in the News
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- Transgender Representation in TV and Movies
- Unpacking Privilege
- Watching the Elections
- Who's Telling My Story?
Goal 4: Demonstrate audio, video and film pre-production knowledge and skills
GLO 4.1: Brainstorm ideas for audio, video and film productions Brainstorm ideas for audio, video, and film productions.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- Images of Learning
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
GLO 4.2: Write scripts and interview questions for audio, video and film productions Write scripts for audio, video, and film productions.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- Images of Learning
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
GLO 4.3: Create storyboards for audio, video and film productions Create storyboards for audio, video, and film productions.
MediaSmarts Resources
Goal 5: Demonstrate audio, video and film production knowledge and skills
GLO 5.1: Demonstrate audio, video and film production knowledge and skills Demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of each member of a field video production team, including the producer/director, videographer, video editor, and audio field technician. Demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of each member of a field audio production team, including the producer/director, audio editor, and audio field technician.
MediaSmarts Resources
Goal 6: Demonstrate audio, video and film post-production knowledge and skills
GLO 6.1: Demonstrate audio, video and film post-production knowledge and skills Use editing software at an introductory level. Discuss the need to critique and revise projects.
MediaSmarts Resources
Goal 10: Demonstrate an awareness of ethical and legal standards as they pertain to broadcasting
GLO 10.1: Demonstrate an awareness of ethical and legal standards as they pertain to broadcasting Define ethics and discuss how they relate to broadcast media. Demonstrate an awareness of regulations affecting the broadcasting industry.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Governance of Television and Radio Communications in Canada
- Remixing Media
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- Who's Telling My Story?
- Editing Emotions
Goal 11: Demonstrate employability skills
GLO 11.1: Demonstrate fundamental employability skills Demonstrate the responsible use of technology.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Calling Out Versus Calling In
- Challenging Hate Online
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- Getting the Toothpaste Back into the Tube
- Hate 2.0
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Introduction to Online Civic Engagement
- Just a Joke? Helping Youth Respond to Casual Prejudice
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- PushBack: Engaging in Online Activism
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Remixing Media
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Secure Comics
- That's Not Cool
- Technology Facilitated Violence: Criminal Case Law
- The Hero Project: Authenticating Online Information
- There's No Excuse: Confronting Moral Disengagement in Sexting
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Where's The Line? Online Safety Lesson Plan for School Resource Officers
- Who Knows? Your Privacy in the Information Age
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
GLO 11.3: Demonstrate an understanding of the business operation of a broadcasting organization Discuss the importance of advertising and advertising revenue for media outlets.
MediaSmarts Resources
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Alcohol on the Web
- Buy Nothing Day
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Selling Tobacco
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- The Invisible Machine: Big Data and You
GLO 11.1: Demonstrate critical thinking skills Discuss the need for critical thinking. Discuss the need for problem solving skills.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Hate or Debate
- ICYouSee: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Reality Check: Authentication and Citizenship
- Reality Check: Getting the Goods on Science and Health
- Reality Check: News You Can Use
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Thinking about Hate