Outcome Chart - NWT - COM2015: Media Impact
COM2015: Media Impact
1. analyze various media messages, e.g., radio, television, photography, Web or print, and describe the impact of the various messages from a personal, community and national perspective
1.1 describe the various roles of media; e.g., advertising, role modelling, stereotyping, cultural representation, propaganda, consumerism
1.2 identify a current issue of media interest and describe its impact from a personal, community or national perspective
1.3 identify and describe the media format(s) used to present selected commercially produced messages and the impact of the media on the effectiveness of message delivery
1.4 develop and apply criteria to compare the anticipated effectiveness of media selected for delivering the message to the actual effectiveness of the result (audience reaction)
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising and Male Violence
- Alcohol on the Web
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Buy Nothing Day
- Camera Shots
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Challenging Hate Online
- Crime in the News
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- First Person
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Gambling in the Media
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Hate 2.0
- Hate or Debate
- Images of Learning
- Kellogg Special K Ads
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Political Cartoons
- Popular Music and Music Videos
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Selling Tobacco
- Sex in Advertising
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Suffragettes and Iron Ladies
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- The Blockbuster Movie
- The Citizen Reporter
- The Girl in the Mirror
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- The Pornography Debate: Controversy in Advertising
- The Price of Happiness
- Thinking about Hate
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
- Video Games
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Violence on Television
- Watching the Elections
- Who’s Telling My Story?
2. design and produce a simple message, and communicate it through a specified media; e.g., print, audio, video, animation or combination
2.1 develop a plan for producing a message in specified media or multimedia; e.g., consider target audience, intent of message, type of media
2.2 use appropriate planning procedures for selected media; e.g., storyboard, script, outline, shot list, thumbnails, composites
2.3 produce a specified media message from a personal, community or national perspective in one or more media formats; e.g., commercial or advertising layout, news item or interview (audio, video, print or combination), public service announcement, billboard design
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Buy Nothing Day
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Challenging Hate Online
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- First Person
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: Our Values and Ethics
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- The Blockbuster Movie
- The Price of Happiness
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Tobacco Labels
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Watching the Elections
- Writing a Newspaper Article
3. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
MediaSmarts Resources
4. present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience
4.1 discuss work regarding:
4.1.1 how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition in his or her work
4.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
4.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
4.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
4.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
4.2 participate in peer/teacher assessment
4.3 add the selected work to a portfolio
6. demonstrate basic competencies
6.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
6.1.1 communicate
6.1.2 manage information
6.1.3 use numbers
6.1.4 think and solve problems
6.2 demonstrate personal management skills to:
6.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
6.2.2 be responsible
6.2.3 be adaptable
6.2.4 learn continuously
6.2.5 work safely
6.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to:
6.3.1 work with others
6.3.2 participate in projects and tasks
MediaSmarts Resources
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: Our Values and Ethics
- What Students Need to Know about Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
7. identify possible life roles related to the skills and content of this cluster
7.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
7.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities
MediaSmarts Resources