Outcome Chart - New Brunswick - Journalism 120

Overall Expectations: Accountability

1.2 participate collaboratively and cooperatively.

2.3 present and produce relevant and engaging news.

3.2 analyze the impact of amateur and professional journalists.

3.3 recognizes the impact of economic, social, historical, and political forces on journalism.

Specific Expectations:

  • Students will investigate the influence journalism has had and determine its relevancy to modern society.
  • Topics such as freedom of speech, democracy, legal, and ethical issues will be examined.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations: Propaganda, Sensationalism and News

1.2 participate collaboratively and cooperatively.

2.2 determine newsworthiness, purpose, audience and appropriate format.

2.3 produce and present relevant and engaging news.

3.1 deconstruct texts to identify perspective, bias, and intent.

3.2 analyze the impact of amateur and professional journalists.

3.3 recognizes the impact of economic, social, historical, and political forces on journalism.

Specific Expectations:

  • Topics such as accuracy, objectivity, bias, perspective, and the influences of social, historical, political, and economic forces will be examined.
  • Students will establish critical reading habits and refine their ability to identify the “news”.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations: The Craft

1.2 participate collaboratively and cooperatively.

2.1 employ journalistic interview and observational techniques.

2.2 determine newsworthiness, purpose, audience and appropriate format.

2.3 produce and present relevant and engaging news.

Specific Expectations:

  • Students will develop techniques to uncover news, to document events, and to tell compelling stories.
  • Observational, interviewing, researching, and concise writing skills will form the focus of study.
  • Students will develop and meet standards for quality writing within expected deadlines and they will experiment with all journalistic formats to deliver real news to real audiences.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations: The Medium and the Message

1.2 participate collaboratively and cooperatively.

2.1 employ journalistic interview and observational techniques.

2.2 determine newsworthiness, purpose, audience and appropriate format.

3.1 deconstruct texts to identify perspective, bias, and intent.

3.2 analyze the impact of amateur and professional journalists.

3.3 recognizes the impact of economic, social, historical, and political forces on journalism.

Specific Expectations:

  • Students will compare elements of and techniques by the various news media and experiment with using these to increase the impact of their own news stories.

MediaSmarts Resources