New Brunswick - English Language Arts Foundational 11
Strand: Interactions
Big Idea: Expression
Skill Descriptor:
Construct and communicate an awareness of self, others, and the world.
Achievement Indicators:
Take ideas, knowledges, and ways of being into account when advocating for, explaining, or presenting perspectives
Present with intention, using content, language, and delivery to convey meaning
MediaSmarts Resources
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Gambling in the Media
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Who's Telling My Story?
Skill Descriptor:
Persuade, and support ideas and opinions with evidence.
Achievement Indicators:
Justify perspectives with evidence
Consider social context when choosing and communicating evidence
Refine arguments by selecting facts, anecdotal evidence, and experiences that consider multiple perspectives
Communicate persuasively, citing evidence free from generalizations and bias
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate or Debate
- ICYouSee: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Online Gambling and Youth
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Reality Check: Authentication and Citizenship
- Reality Check: Getting the Goods on Science and Health
- Reality Check: News You Can Use
- Scapegoating and Othering
Big Idea: Exchanges
Skill Descriptor:
Seek and provide clarification to synthesize understanding of ideas and concepts, problems and solutions.
Achievement Indicators:
Ask and respond to perceptive and probing questions to seek further information and extend understanding and/or determine next steps
Critically select resources to support ideas, concepts, or claims
MediaSmarts Resources
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Body Positive Ads
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Crime in the News
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Digital Skills for Democracy: Assessing online information to make civic choices
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Governance of Television and Radio Communications in Canada
- Hate or Debate
- ICYouSee: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in the News
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
- Thinking about Hate
- Who's Telling My Story?
Skill Descriptor:
Use language of harmony and respect, self-monitoring and adjusting as appropriate.
Achievement Indicators:
Advocate for the inclusivity of language
Critically evaluate others’ use of helpful, respectful, and equitable language to reflect on and improve use of language
Communicate using thoughtful and respectful language free from prejudice, stereotyping, or bias
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Challenging Hate Online
- Hate 2.0
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Thinking about Hate
- Unpacking Privilege
Skill Descriptor:
Understand and use communication conventions for a diverse set of audiences.
Achievement Indicators:
Communicate with sensitivity and respect
Use conventions flexibly to reflect an understanding of the audience perspective, context, and purpose
MediaSmarts Resources
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate or Debate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- There's No Excuse: Confronting Moral Disengagement in Sexting
- Unpacking Privilege
Big Idea: Reception
Skill Descriptor:
Critically reflect on the contributions of others to formulate and refine understanding.
Achievement Indicators:
Consider multiple ways of knowing when evaluating the ideas of others
Identify and respond to the perspective and potential bias implicit within a speaker’s contribution
Analyze the power of language to influence and manipulate
Critically examine the use of language to identify ideas, values and world views
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Body Positive Ads
- Buy Nothing Day
- Crime in the News
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Gambling in the Media
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- ICYouSee: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in the News
- Selling Tobacco
- The Front Page
- The Price of Happiness
- Thinking about Hate
- Unpacking Privilege
- Watching the Elections
Strand: Reading
Big Idea: Reading Comprehension
Skill Descriptor:
Examine, interpret, and evaluate information considering the source, purpose, intended audience, implied meaning, and implicit bias.
Achievement Indicators:
Construct and articulate literal and inferred meaning of complex texts with connections to the theme and/or purpose
Refer to relevant textual details/features when inferring
Use text features to interpret information and infer meaning
Use text structure and organization to construct meaning
Identify and articulate connections between texts across genres by purpose, audience, and/or theme
Concisely summarize and synthesize key information from a variety of increasingly complex sources
Identify and reflect on ways in which various diversities, cultures, genders, socioeconomic groups, etc. are portrayed in texts
MediaSmarts Resources
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Camera Shots
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- First Person
- Images of Learning
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- Political Images: Memes and Cartoons
- Selling Tobacco
- The Front Page
- Transgender Representation in TV and Movies
- Who's Telling My Story?
Skill Descriptor:
Evaluate and respond personally and critically to a range of texts across genres, interests, and complexities, citing evidence.
Achievement Indicators:
Describe how a text has impacted changes in personal viewpoint/ideas
Express relationships among texts, personal experiences, and prior knowledge to make connections between current social and moral issues
Assess the truth of a claim by distinguishing between sound and fallacious reasoning, and articulate how this assessment was reached
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Crime in the News
- Digital Skills for Democracy: Assessing online information to make civic choices
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate or Debate
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Political Images: Memes and Cartoons
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Suffragettes and Iron Ladies
- Thinking about Hate
- Unpacking Privilege
- Watching the Elections
Big Idea: Text Analysis/Criticality
Skill Descriptor:
Critically analyze and evaluate the characteristics, language, form, features, and genre of a range of texts.
Achievement Indicators:
Evaluate purpose, structure, and characteristics of a variety of text forms and describe how they contribute to understanding the text
Interpret relationships between ideas to draw conclusions or make comparisons with increasingly complex text
Support responses with relevant details
Explore how purpose, audience, language, topic, genre, and context, are interconnected
Challenge bias in a variety of text and suggest alternate perspectives
MediaSmarts Resources
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Camera Shots
- Crime in the News
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Political Images: Memes and Cartoons
- Remixing Media
- The Front Page
- Transgender Representation in TV and Movies
- Unpacking Privilege
Strand: Representing
Big Idea: Process
Skill Descriptor:
Implement effective writing/representing strategies to enhance clarity and control in written and media texts.
Achievement Indicators:
Articulate rationale for which writing/representing processes work best in relation to audience and purpose
Refine organization frameworks to manage content, collect ideas, and generate new knowledge and perspectives
Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies
Independently and collaboratively draft cohesive text, making critical choices about what to include or exclude
Clarify, strengthen and refine by adding, deleting, substituting, and rearranging text
Attend to audience experience, often by reading aloud; adjust elements of composition
Apply knowledge of copyright/plagiarism (including the use of A.I.)
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Consensus or Conspiracy?
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Digital Skills for Democracy: Assessing online information to make civic choices
- ICYouSee: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Reality Check: Authentication and Citizenship
- Reality Check: Getting the Goods on Science and Health
- Reality Check: News You Can Use
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Remixing Media