Graphic Arts 20 30

Introduction to Graphic Arts

Overall Expectations:

Demonstrate an understanding of graphic arts through investigating the history, the present, and potential innovations in the future

Specific Expectations:

b. Research and demonstrate a personal and shared understanding of the need for graphic arts as communication.

d. Explore a variety of media (e.g., websites, books, advertisements) to identify components of effective graphic design

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Concept Development

Overall Expectations:

Clearly articulate a planning process to develop a graphic design

Specific Expectations:

  1. Develop and articulate an understanding of the purpose and techniques of storyboards and thumbnail sketches.
  2. Explore various planning techniques such as storyboarding and thumbnail sketches for a given or selected theme.
  3. Define the target audience for the project (e.g., children, families, seniors).
  4. Create a storyboard or thumbnail sketch

MediaSmarts Resources


Project Production and Image Development

Overall Expectations:

Create a project, showcasing graphic designs, which incorporates elements and principles of design, layout, colour, and typography.

Specific Expectations:

a. Brainstorm a number of project ideas individually and as a group.

b. Create a basic design message for an identifiable audience.

c. Identify the elements of the communication strategy.

d. Develop and use assessments of the project from both personal and peer perspectives

MediaSmarts Resources



Overall Expectations:

Explore 2-D animation as a means to enhance the message of a graphic design project.

Specific Expectations:

a. Investigate the history of animation.

b. Incorporate the 12 principles of animation into an intended message.

c. Translate an idea into a message by developing a storyboard

MediaSmarts Resources


Stop Action Animation

Overall Expectations:

Utilize stop-action as a means to enhance the message of a graphic design project.

Specific Expectations:

a. Demonstrate how to incorporate the 12 principles of animation into a project.

b. Investigate the rich history of stop-action animation.

c. Design and construct a character and a set from a storyboard.

d. Utilize a digital image capture device to record the action.

e. Use appropriate software to edit and finalize the project.

MediaSmarts Resources


Legal and Ethical Consideration

Overall Expectations:

Investigate and articulate legal issues such as copyright, privacy, and consent related to graphic arts and other media.

Specific Expectations:

a. Explain the term “copyright” in relation to Canadian law and assess its impact on a Graphic Arts class.

b. Describe the three factors that place some works in the public domain and cite some examples with reasons for their inclusion.

c. Investigate and report on current issues and resources connected to copyright law such as “open source”, “creative commons”, and stock resources

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Discuss and reflect on the need for societal standards (e.g., legal, ethical, and community norms and values) and cultural sensitivity in media.

Specific Expectations:

a. Formulate a list of societal standards in relation to sexism, racism, and homophobia, and support the list with positive media examples.

b. Create a strategy for the inclusion of appropriate language, content, and images reflective of societal standards in personal, class, and school projects and assignments

c. Identify and discuss some issues regarding the posting of images on the web including safety, possible consequences, and permanence of web postings

MediaSmarts Resources