Saskatchewan – Life Decisions 20/30

Module 5: Personal Safety


Investigate the importance of personal safety to health and well-being.


a. Identify potential risks to personal health and security as a result of over-reliance on personal devices (e.g., hearing loss due to overuse of audio devices, injury to self and others due to distracted driving).

b. Discuss ways to ensure personal safety and the safety of others in a variety of social situations (e.g., attending a social event with a friend rather than alone, applying media awareness when participating in social media conversations, displaying awareness of danger to self and others).

e. Analyze potential risks associated with sharing personal information on social media, including those related to privacy and security.

f. Describe precautions (e.g., logging out of and closing online sessions, keeping private information about banking, passwords or absences from home) used to protect personal information online.

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Module 8: Communication


Demonstrate the use of effective communication skills.


a. Investigate various modes of communication (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, electronic, written).

e. Experiment with ways to appropriately represent oneself in a variety of modes of communication (e.g., social media, written correspondence, telephone, in-person).

Specific Expectations

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Module 9: Documentation for Life


Investigate processes required to acquire documentation to support living and working in Saskatchewan.


h. Conduct an inquiry into types of digital privacy breaches (e.g., hacking, stolen personal information, stolen passwords) and prevention strategies (e.g., shredding personal documents, detail in passwords, avoiding phishing scams).

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Module 12: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


Assess personal understanding and self-awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion.


a. Explore what constitutes diversity (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, gender, ability).

d. Determine how individuals are influenced by norms, trends, images and values about equity, diversity and inclusion in a variety of scenarios.

e. Analyze how sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, gender expression and perceived gender influence opportunities and interactions.

f. Recognize what privilege is and how it relates to gender, race and social class.

h. Recognize, name and challenge instances of inequity, bias, intolerance and discrimination.

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Module 16: Relationship Basics


Analyze elements of strong and healthy relationships.


b. Identify key elements (e.g., honesty, trust, support, independence) that form the basis of healthy relationships.

e. Explore how positive or negative peer pressure (e.g., bullying, gangs, teamwork) can have an impact on self-esteem.

f. Analyze how the use of technology (e.g., social media, gaming, texting) can affect interpersonal relationships.

g. Investigate causes of conflicts (e.g., role expectations, personality clashes, spiritual/cultural beliefs) within relationships.

h. Discuss how effective communication is important in maintaining, strengthening and ending relationships.

i. Explore the importance of clear, honest communication regarding sexual contact in a dating relationship.

j. Define sexual consent and how it can be communicated.

k. Explore possible implications (e.g., legal, physical, emotional) of sexual behaviour without consent.

l. Recognize characteristics (e.g., jealousy, resentment, dishonesty, control) of toxic relationships.

m. Develop strategies to end toxic relationships.

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Module 18: Understanding Life Balance


Analyze factors that influence life balance.


f. Discuss potential challenges of excessive time spent on digital devices and impacts on intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

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Module 19: Achieving Life Balance


Investigate lifestyle choices that support personal, community and work/life balance.


a. Assess levels of balance in the areas of personal, family, community and work life.

f. Experiment with a variety of strategies (e.g., meditation, exercise, music) that may help restore balance.

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Module 22: Sexual Health


Examine responsible sexual health practices.


c. Research different issues related to sexual health, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies.

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Module 25: Addictions


Investigate the effects of addiction on the health and well-being of individuals and community.


c. Identify the potential impacts of the overuse of social media (e.g., mental wellness, anxiety, depression, negative effect, cyber bullying, quality of sleep) on self, individual and community well-being.

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Module 27: Responsible Consumerism


Investigate factors that influence responsible consumerism.


a. Examine various consumer rights such as:

• right to security (protection);

• right to information (information necessary to make an informed decision);

• right to be heard;

• right to choose;

• right to meet basic needs (access to essential goods and services);

• right to address wrongdoings;

• right to education; and,

• right to a healthy environment.

b. Identify examples of consumer responsibilities such as:

• informed decision-making;

• actions to support a just cause;

• social responsibility;

• environmental responsibility; and,

• solidarity (e.g., union with other consumers).

c. Explain the link between consumer rights and responsibilities.

d. Identify resources available to consumers to assert their rights.

e. Analyze ethical factors (e.g., environmental, social) pertaining to responsible consumerism.

f. Identify measures (e.g., recycling clothes, community food boxes, donations of garden surplus) to promote economic and environmental sustainability.

g. Discuss how digital footprints are created and how they record online presence according to categories including voluntary, involuntary and inherited.

h. Identify ways to manage digital footprints as responsible consumers.

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Module 28: Consumer Choices


Analyze factors that influence the choices associated with responsible consumerism.


d. Analyze strategies used in advertisements to influence a consumer to purchase a product.

e. Examine characteristics of the minimalist consumer such as:

• ecological conscience;

• understanding of consumer society;

• differentiation of the essential from the superfluous;

• penchant for minimal packaging; and,

• preference of simplicity.

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