Sports Personalities in Advertising Lesson Plan
Level(s): Grades 7 - 9
Author: This unit was created by educator Arlene Petkau as part of a Media Education course taught by John Pungente at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba.
This lesson is part of USE, UNDERSTAND & ENGAGE: A Digital Media Literacy Framework for Canadian Schools.
In this lesson students explore the relationship between athletes and advertising through a number of different activities. Students deconstruct the "text" of ads featuring sports personalities, then research their own athletes’ endorsements then explore data collection to obtain a target audience in order to understand how audience negotiates meaning. Finally, students design their own ad or ad campaign for an athlete.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- research sports personalities in advertising
- understand how data collection obtains a target audience that negotiates meaning of ads
- identify the role of sports personalities in advertising
- identify what created these reactions and emotions
- understand how and why a sports personality is used in advertising
- create an ad campaign
This lesson and all associated documents (handouts, overheads, backgrounders) is available in an easy-print, pdf kit version.