Outcome Chart – Nunavut - Entrepreneurship 12
Strand: Nunavusiutit
Overall Expectations: Module 1: E-Commerce and Venture Planning
Specific Expectations:
Unit 5
Students will identify the technical, security, and business risks involved with implementing e-commerce in a small business (e.g., viruses, hackers, credit card fraud).
Unit 8
Students will identify and describe the components of an effective website for a small business (e.g., home page, contact information, copyright, last updated date, links, search engine, menu).
Unit 10
Students will evaluate website of current small businesses in terms of their design features (e.g., usability, ease of navigation, continuity of pages, appropriateness for audience, speed of download, contact information, methods of payment).
MediaSmarts Resources
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Secure Comics
Overall Expectations: Module 3: Targeting Customers
Specific Expectations:
Unit 1
Students will describe, on the basis of research (e.g., survey, personal observation), the potential customers for their venture.
Unit 4
Students will explore and develop advanced marketing techniques using various media and multimedia (e.g., social networking and video).
Unit 5
Students will develop fluency with presentation software and effective techniques for clear marketing and information presentations.
Unit 7
Students will develop an advertising strategy (e.g., using flyers, brochures, banner advertisements, websites, local radio and television advertisements, word of mouth, publicity) and a promotion strategy (e.g., using business cards, coupons, presentations) to help establish and maintain an identity for the venture.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising and Male Violence
- Body Positive Ads
- Buy Nothing Day
- Marketing to Teens: Alternate Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Parody Ads
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- The Blockbuster Movie
- The Pornography Debate: Controversy in Advertising
- The Price of Happiness
- Watching the Elections