New Brunswick - English Language Arts 10 Extended

Strand: Interactions

Big Idea: Expression

Skill Descriptor:

Construct and communicate an awareness of self, others, and the world.    

Achievement Indicators:

Present a personal viewpoint to a group of listeners

Take ideas, knowledges, and ways of being into account when explaining positions

Present with intention, using content, language and delivery to convey meaning

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Persuade, and support ideas and opinions with evidence.    

Achievement Indicators:

Consider social context when choosing and communicating evidence

Refine arguments by selecting facts, anecdotal evidence, and experiences that consider difference of opinion

Communicate persuasively, citing evidence free from generalizations and bias

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Reception

Skill Descriptor:

Critically reflect on the contributions of others to formulate and refine understanding.    

Achievement Indicators:

Consider multiple ways of knowing when determining the value and relevance of information

Identify and respond to the perspective implicit within a speaker’s contribution

Understand the power of language to influence and manipulate

Examine the use of language to identify ideas, values and world views

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

Skill Descriptor:

Examine and interpret information considering the source, intended audience, inferred meaning, and implicit bias.    

Achievement Indicators:

Construct literal and inferred meaning of complex texts with connections to the theme

Explore the effectiveness of a variety of text features to convey the intended meaning of the writer

Identify connections between texts across genres by purpose, audience, and/or theme

Concisely summarize key information from a variety of sources

Reflect on ways in which various cultures, genders, socioeconomic groups are portrayed in texts

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Evaluate and respond personally and critically to a range of texts across genres, interests, and complexities, citing evidence.    

Achievement Indicators:

Express and support how a text has impacted changes in personal viewpoint/ideas

Interpret relationships among texts, personal experiences and prior knowledge to make connections between current social and moral issues

Assess the truth of a claim by distinguishing between sound and false reasoning

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor:

Independently select, read, construct meaning from, and evaluate a variety of texts of increasing complexity representing all voices.    

Achievement Indicators:

Explain how the different elements of author’s style/technique create meaning and impact

Evaluate author’s effectiveness, using textual support

Evaluate purpose, structure, and characteristics of a variety of text forms and how they contribute to understanding the text

Examine texts for bias

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Critically analyze and evaluate the characteristics, language, form, features, and genre of a range of texts.     

Achievement Indicators:

Explore relationships between language, topic, genre, purpose, context, and audience

Challenge bias in a variety of texts

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Representing

Big Idea: Process

Skill Descriptor:

Implement effective writing/representing strategies to enhance clarity and control in written works.    

Achievement Indicators:

Apply knowledge of copyright/plagiarism (including the use of A.I.)

Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies

MediaSmarts Resources