Outcome Chart - Nova Scotia - Health Education Grade 7

Healthy Self

Specific Expectations

7.1 identify what they value and set personal goals that contribute to their health and value system

7.2 demonstrate an understanding of the aesthetic and ability factors that can influence one’s body image and how it can affect participation in physical activity

7.4 examine influences that impact one’s decision-making abilities about alcohol use

7.5 demonstrate an understanding of the risks associated with gambling, including no pay gambling sites and identify signs of concern among youth

7.6 differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity

7.7 identify ways of maintaining sexual health

7.8 apply a series of decision-making steps to potential situations involving risk, including sexual decision making and decision making in relation to the use of alcohol

7.10 differentiate between the warning of signs of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder, recognizing gender differences and the impact of delayed treatment

7.11 demonstrate an understanding that mental health is an integral component of health, that there is no shame in expressing a need for mental health support, and to recognize safe people in their lives whom they can trust to help them

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Healthy Relationships

Specific Expectations

7.14 describe different types of interpersonal relationships, the importance of respectful and non-violent relationships and examine the positive and negative reasons for starting and ending relationships

7.15 examine methods for contraception and the benefits/disadvantages of each method

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Healthy Community

Specific Expectations

7.18 demonstrate an understanding that communities have resources that youth can access for help for a variety of health issues

7.19 recognize there are potential harms arising from use of alcohol, caffeine, and gambling along a continuum of use

7.20 analyze positive and negative outcomes of social networking and use of mobile devices

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