Outcome Chart - Yukon - Physical and Health Education 4
Big Ideas
- Personal choices and social and environmental factors influence our health and well-being.
- Developing healthy relationships helps us feel connected, supported, and valued.
Overall Expectations:
Healthy and Active living
- Explain the relationship of healthy eating to overall health and well-being
- Identify and describe factors that influence healthy choices
- Examine and explain how health messages can influence behaviours and decisions
- Identify and apply strategies for pursuing personal healthy-living goals
Social and Community health
- Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
- Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
Mental Well-being
- Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being
- Describe and assess strategies for managing problems related to mental well-being and substance use
- Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty
- Describe factors that positively influence mental well-being and self-identity
Specific Expectations
Students are expected to know the following:
- media messaging and body image
- strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
- strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence
- potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm
- factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media
- physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity
MediaSmarts Resources
- Avatars and Body Image
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Break the Fake: What's Real Online?
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Facing Media Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Game Time
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Introducing TV Families
- Introduction to Ethics: Avatars and Identity
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising - Lesson 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Looking at Food Advertising
- Looking at Newspapers: Introduction - Lesson
- Media Kids
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 2: Media are constructions
- Once Upon a Time - Lesson
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Pay For Play
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Privacy Pirates
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- The Constructed World of Media Families
- The Hero Project: Authenticating Online Information
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- TV Stereotypes
- TV Stereotypes
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
- Violence in Sports
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson