New Brunswick – Personal Wellness 6
Strand: Wellness
Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle
Skill Descriptor:
Examine personal health habits and their impact on the seven domains of wellness.
Achievement Indicators:
Explain the relationship between personal health habits (nutrition, cleanliness, sleep, physical activity, nature benefits, and screen time) and well-being
Examine ways to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases
MediaSmarts Resources
- Digital Media Experiences are Shaped by the Tools We Use: The Disconnection Challenge
- Game Time
- Game Time
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Junk Food Jungle
- Packaging Tricks
Big Idea: Helpful and Harmful Choices
Skill Descriptor:
Describe factors that influence food, substance, and screen time use/misuse.
Achievement Indicators:
Explain the difference between use and misuse
Identify how marketing can influence choices
Give examples of positive and negative peer pressure
Demonstrate decision-making and refusal skills to deal with pressures in various scenarios
Discuss the factors within and out of personal control that could lead to addiction
Give examples of healthy coping strategies for stressors
MediaSmarts Resources
- Digital Media Experiences are Shaped by the Tools We Use: The Disconnection Challenge
- Game Time
- Gender and Tobacco
- Image Gap
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Looking at Advertising: Brands and Mascots
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Mirror Image
- Selling Tobacco
- The Anatomy of Cool
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company: Grades 4-6
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
Big Idea: Personal Safety
Skill Descriptor:
Explain how media and technology influence health and well-being.
Achievement Indicators:
List strategies to identify reliable information online
Describe personal boundaries while online
Discuss the impact of the information they share online
Describe what it means to be a responsible digital citizen
Identify how a person’s identity or personality can be different online
Describe online safety strategies
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Break the Fake: Verifying Information Online
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Introduction to Ethics: Avatars and Identity
- Just a Joke? Helping Youth Respond to Casual Prejudice
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Playing With Privacy
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- Privacy Pursuit: My Privacy, Your Privacy
- Privacy Pursuit: The Value of Privacy
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: My Virtual Life
- PushBack: Engaging in Online Activism
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Stay on the Path Lesson One: Searching for Treasure
- Stay on the Path Lesson Three: Treasure Maps
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- That's Not Cool
- The Hero Project: Authenticating Online Information
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
Strand: Human Growth and Development
Big Idea: Healthy Sexuality
Skill Descriptor:
Identify sexuality as a natural part of being human throughout one’s lifespan.
Achievement Indicators:
Explain what it means to have consent over one’s own body
Identify two characteristics of a reliable website for sexual health education
Demonstrate strategies for saying no and giving consent through role play scenarios
MediaSmarts Resources
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- That's Not Cool
Big Idea: Self-Image
Skill Descriptor:
Discuss how media influence individual beliefs about self-image.
Achievement Indicators:
Define self-image
Describe how media portray beauty standards
Identify how media portray gender roles
Discuss how media can affect a person’s beliefs about their body
Identify how a person’s self-image can impact self-esteem
Demonstrate the use of language that promotes body positivity
MediaSmarts Resources
- Avatars and Body Image
- Comic Book Characters
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Image Gap
- Mirror Image
- Once Upon a Time
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
Strand: Mental Fitness
Big Idea: Mental Fitness Strategies
Skill Descriptor:
Explore the importance of talking about emotions and emotional responses.
Achievement Indicators:
Describe strategies to manage stress
MediaSmarts Resources
Big Idea: Decision-Making
Skill Descriptor:
Describe how decision-making impacts personal wellness.
Achievement Indicators:
Identify risks encountered at home, school, and play
Discuss ways to prevent various forms of harm and promote safety for self and others
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Data Defenders
- Getting the Toothpaste Back into the Tube
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Introduction to Ethics: Avatars and Identity
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Pay For Play
- Playing With Privacy
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- Privacy Pursuit: My Privacy, Your Privacy
- Privacy Pursuit: Protecting Your Privacy
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: My Virtual Life
- Social Smarts: Nothing Personal!
- Stay on the Path Lesson Two: All That Glitters is Not Gold
- That's Not Cool
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 2: Pathways and Addresses
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- Where's The Line? Online Safety Lesson Plan for School Resource Officers
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
Skill Descriptor:
Describe decision-making about money.
Achievement Indicators:
Discuss how to balance saving and spending money
Identify barriers and risks to responsible financial decision-making
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Junk Food Jungle
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Pay For Play
Strand: Relationships
Big Idea: Healthy Relationships
Skill Descriptor:
Discuss characteristics of healthy relationships.
Achievement Indicators:
Describe characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships
Discuss how peers and family members influence relationships
Demonstrate listening with empathy to understand and learn from a peer about something they have experienced
Describe how to communicate in a positive way
Identify healthy personal boundaries
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
- That's Not Cool
Big Idea: Bullying and Conflict
Skill Descriptor:
Identify differences between conflict and bullying.
Achievement Indicators:
Explain the difference between conflict and bullying
Identify actions that contribute to unkind behaviour, bullying, leaving people out, etc.
Describe the impact of bullying
Describe strategies to resolve conflict and to stand up to bullying behaviours
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Calling Out Versus Calling In
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Just a Joke? Helping Youth Respond to Casual Prejudice
- That's Not Cool
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
Big Idea: Anti-Discrimination
Skill Descriptor:
Identify ways to promote anti-discrimination.
Achievement Indicators:
Give examples of personal values, beliefs, and attitudes
Discuss how identities can be impacted by the values, beliefs, and attitudes of others
Identify bias and stereotypes in the school and wider community
Discuss gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
Discuss the importance of showing acceptance and celebrating differences
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Comic Book Characters
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Images of Learning
- Media Kids
- Media Stereotypes
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Stereotyping and Genre
- The Constructed World of Television Families
- The Girl in the Mirror
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Unpacking Privilege