New Brunswick - Personal Wellness 8

Strand: Wellness

Big Idea: Helpful and Harmful Choices

Skill Descriptor:

Evaluate the impacts of food, screen time, and substance use/misuse on self and community. 

Achievement Indicators:

Describe how food, screen time, and substance use can affect overall health (mental, social, emotional, and physical including brain development, etc.)

Analyze influences that lead youth to decide whether or not to misuse food, screen time, and harmful substances

Evaluate how healthy strategies to manage stress can prevent the misuse of food, screen time, and harmful substances, and harmful behaviours

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Personal Safety

Skill Descriptor:

Evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community.

Achievement Indicators:

    Discuss behaviours that promote a positive digital profile

    Evaluate the impact of information (posted or shared) forever stored in cyberspace

    Describe when it is appropriate to use a social media platform

    Explain the benefits or harms of following certain people or groups online

    Outline the law about sharing or securing sexually explicit images

    Describe strategies to keep self and others safe online (luring, protecting personal information, identifying misinformation and disinformation, etc.)

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Human Growth and Development

Big Idea: Healthy Sexuality

Skill Descriptor:

Examine the knowledge, responsibilities, and skills necessary to make informed decisions about becoming sexually active.

Achievement Indicators:

Discuss the importance of communication for sexual decision-making, including consent and boundaries

List where to access sexual health services and supports

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Self-Image

Skill Descriptor:

Analyze how media present messages about bodies, sexuality, and relationships.

Achievement Indicators:

    Analyze how texts (media, social media, books, discourses among peer groups, etc.) impact ideas about healthy relationships and sexual activity

    Analyze the impact of media on sexuality, gender roles, and equity

    Discuss how the media portrays gender-based violence

    Describe how pornography negatively influences ideas about relationships

    Describe strategies to eliminate gender stereotypes

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Mental Fitness

Big Idea: Mental Fitness Strategies

Skill Descriptor:

Evaluate behaviours/environments that help foster positive mental health and build resilience.    

Achievement Indicators:

Analyze strategies that reduce stigma regarding mental health

Identify strategies to build own positive mental health

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Decision-Making

Skill Descriptor:

Assess how decision-making impacts personal wellness.  

Achievement Indicators:

Examine their personal process used to make big or small decisions

Evaluate credible sources of health and safety information

Identify sources of health and safety misinformation and disinformation

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Explore the five components of financial literacy.   

Achievement Indicators:

Discuss barriers and risks to responsible financial decision-making, including credit

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Relationships

Big Idea: Healthy Relationships

Skill Descriptor:

Apply strategies to build and maintain healthy relationships.    

Achievement Indicators:

Evaluate ways that power and control influence relationships

Examine healthy personal boundaries

Describe how to express needs and emotions

Develop strategies for responding to conflict, including handling rejection and ending a relationship

Model empathy and respectful communication when disagreeing, compromising, and/or negotiating

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Bullying and Conflict

Skill Descriptor:

Evaluate factors and influences that contribute to a safe society.

Achievement Indicators:

Discuss the importance of relating to people as individuals and not representatives of groups

Analyze injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviours, practices, and laws

Discuss own responsibility to address stigma and discrimination

Discuss how to take action when witnessing bias, prejudice, exclusion, or discrimination

Outline legal responsibilities required to maintain positive and safe environments

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Anti-Discrimination

Skill Descriptor:

Assess ways to promote anti-discrimination.

Achievement Indicators:

Discuss the importance of relating to people as individuals and not representatives of groups

Analyze injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviours, practices, and laws

Discuss own responsibility to address stigma and discrimination

Discuss how to take action when witnessing bias, prejudice, exclusion, or discrimination

Outline legal responsibilities required to maintain positive and safe environments

MediaSmarts Resources