Outcome Chart - British Columbia - English Language Arts - New Media 11

Big Ideas:

  • People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.  
  • Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
  • Digital citizenship requires both knowledge of digital technology and awareness of its impact on individuals and society.

Overall Expectations: Comprehend and Connect (reading, listening, viewing)

  • Access information for diverse purposes and from a variety of sources and evaluate its relevance, accuracy, and reliability
  • Apply appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts to comprehend written, oral, visual, and multimodal texts, to guide inquiry and to extend thinking
  • Recognize the complexities of digital citizenship
  • Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts
  • Recognize and identify personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts, including gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic factors
  • Evaluate how literary elements and new media techniques and devices reflect different purposes and audiences
  • Identify bias, contradictions, distortions, and omissions

Specific Expectations:

Text, features and structures

  • form, function, and genre of multimedia and other texts
  • relationships between form, function, and technology
  • elements of visual/graphic texts

Strategies and Processes

  • multimodal reading strategies
  • multimodal writing strategies
  • multimedia presentation processes

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations: Create and Communicate (writing, speaking, presenting)

  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Select and use a variety of media appropriate to purpose, audience, and context
  • Use digital and multimedia writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary, imaginative, and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Express and support an opinion with evidence
  • Reflect on, assess, and refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to purpose, audience, and message
  • Use acknowledgements and citations to recognize intellectual property rights
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles

Specific Expectations:

Language features, structures and conventions

  • citation techniques

New Media functions

  • advocacy
  • community building
  • propaganda
  • manipulation

MediaSmarts Resources