British Columbia - English Language Arts 11-12 - English Composition 11

Curricular Competencies

Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are expected individually and collaboratively to be able to:

Comprehend and connect (reading, listening, viewing)

  • Access information for diverse purposes and from a variety of sources to inform writing
  • Evaluate the relevance, accuracy, and reliability of texts
  • Apply appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts to comprehend written, oral, visual, and multimodal texts, to guide inquiry, and to extend thinking
  • Recognize and understand how different forms, formats, structures, and features of texts enhance and shape meaning and impact
  • Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts

Recognize and identify the role of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts

  • Recognize and understand how language constructs personal, social, and cultural identities
  • Construct meaningful personal connections between self, text, and world
  • Evaluate how text structures, literary elements, techniques, and devices enhance and shape meaning and impact
  • Identify bias, contradictions, distortions, and omissions

MediaSmarts Resources

Create and communicate (writing, speaking, representing)

  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Express and support an opinion with evidence
  • Reflect on, assess, and refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness, and impact
  • Use acknowledgements and citations to recognize intellectual property rights
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles

Experiment with genres, forms, or styles of creative and communicative texts

  • text/texts.
  • land/place
  • relevance
  • reliability
  • strategies
  • multimodal texts
  • forms
  • formats
  • structures
  • features of texts
  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints speaking
  • listening skills
  • range of purposes
  • writing and design processes
  • audiences
  • refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness, and impact

MediaSmarts Resources


Students are expected to know the following:

Text forms and text genres

Text features and structures

  • form, function, and genre of texts
  • narrative structures found in First Peoples texts
  • protocols related to the ownership of First Peoples oral texts

MediaSmarts Resources

Students are expected to know the following:

Strategies and processes

  • reading strategies
  • oral language strategies
  • metacognitive strategies
  • writing processes

MediaSmarts Resources