Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - English Language Arts 7
This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Saskatchewan, Grade 7 English Language Arts curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
In the elementary curriculum in Saskatchewan, learning objectives for media studies are included as a category within the supporting domain, Oracy and Literacy: Media. Media-related objectives can also be found within Speaking and Listening, Reading and Response to Literature, Writing, Educational Drama, Research and Presentation and Computer Applications.
Comprehend and Respond
Overall Expectations
Students will extend their abilities to view, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a range of contemporary and traditional grade-level texts from First Nations, Métis, and other cultures in a variety of forms (oral, print, and other texts) for a variety of purposes including for learning, interest, and enjoyment.
Specific Expectations
- View and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of visual and multimedia texts with specific features (e.g., circle graphs) and complex ideas including the visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, websites, reference books, graphic novels, broadcast media, videos and promotional materials.
- View critically to understand and analyze opinions and messages presented in visual and multimedia texts.
- Identify how a visual or multimedia (including digital) text was constructed, shaped, and produced.
- Analyze and evaluate what was seen in visual and multimedia (including digital) texts considering elements, techniques, and overall effect.
- Comic Book Characters
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cop Shows
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Facing TV Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing TV Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Violence and Video Games
- Looking at Newspapers: Introduction
- Media Kids
- News Journalism Across the Media: Introduction
- Packaging Tricks
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Media Minute Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media Minute Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media Minute Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
- Put Your Best Face Forward
Educational Game
Compose and Create
Overall Expectations
Students will extend their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Specific Expectations
- Create a variety of visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts including personal narratives, responses or reactions to texts, stories, reports, articles, instructions, explanations, opinions, letters, illustrations, diagrams, leaflets, stories, poems, storyboards, cartoons, and skits or short view scripts.
- Writing a Newspaper Article
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Media Minute Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: Our Values and Ethics
- That’s Not Cool
- Put Your Best Face Forward