Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - English Language Arts 5

Comprehend and Respond

Overall Expectations

Analyze and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written, and multimedia texts) that address:

  • identity (e.g., Exploring Heritage)
  • community (e.g., Teamwork)
  • social responsibility (e.g., What is Fair?).

View and evaluate, critically, visual and multimedia texts identifying the persuasive techniques including promises, flattery, and comparisons used to influence or persuade an audience.

Specific Expectations

  • View, listen to, read and respond to a variety of visual, multimedia, oral, and print texts that examine the diverse range of personal identities, perspectives, and backgrounds (e.g., appearance, culture, socio-economic status, abilities, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, career path) including First Nations and Métis texts.
  • View, listen to, and read a variety of texts related to the theme or topic of study and show comprehension by:
    • understanding, retelling, and explaining the ideas and information presented in the texts
    • analyzing the text structures and features
    • analyzing the texts and developing responses with evidence from the texts, personal experience, and research.
  • Compare individuals and situations portrayed in various texts (including First Nations and Métis resources) to those encountered in real life.
  • Gather information from a variety of media (e.g., photographs, web sites, maps, diagrams, posters, videos, advertising, double bar graphs, maps, videos).
  • Discuss purpose, perspectives, and biases and how visual texts including First Nations and Métis resources can be used to persuade others.
  • Recognize point of view and distinguish between fact and opinion.
  • Identify the values underlying visual messages and recognize persuasive techniques and purposes in oral presentations and various media (e.g., promises, dares, flattery, comparisons).
  • Analyze visual texts (including First Nations and Métis art and other texts) as sources for information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.
  • Identify how the language, explicit and implicit messages, and visual and multimedia features (e.g., sound, colour, movement) are used to influence the intended audience.


Educational Games

Compose and Create

Overall Expectations

Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:

  • identity (e.g., What Should I Do)
  • community (e.g., This is Our Planet)
  • social responsibility (e.g., Teamwork) and express personal thoughts shaped through inquiry.

Specific Expectations

Express and explain findings on a topic, question, problem, or issue in an appropriate visual, multimedia, oral, and written format using inquiry. 

Use inquiry to explore a problem, question, or issue related to a topic being studied in English language arts or a topic of personal interest including:

  • summarizing personal knowledge and understanding of a selected topic to help formulate relevant questions appropriate to a specific audience and purpose for group or individual inquiry or research
  • gathering and recording ideas and information using a plan
  • answering inquiry or research questions using a variety of sources such as newspapers, diaries, Elders, interviews, and field trips
  • determining the usefulness of ideas and information for inquiry or research purpose and focus using pre-established criteria
  • using a variety of tools to access ideas and information
  • organizing ideas and information into categories (e.g., what, where, when, how, so what)
  • making notes using own words and providing publication dates and authorship of sources
  • assessing knowledge gained through inquiry or research
  • forming personal conclusions and generating new questions for further inquiry or research
  • explaining findings from inquiry or research on a topic, question, problem, or issue in an appropriate visual, oral, and written format.
