World Views and Aspirations of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Communities in Canada, Grade 11
College Preparation
A: Research and Inquiry Skills
B: Understanding and Respecting World Views and Cultural Diversity
Overall Expectations:
A2. Investigating
A3. Processing Information
A4. Communicating and reflecting
B1. The Concept of World View
Specific Expectations:
A2.1 create appropriate research plans to investigate their selected topics
A2.2 locate and select information relevant to their investigations from a variety of primary and/or secondary sources, including Indigenous knowledge sources
A3.2 record and organize information and key ideas using a variety of formats
A3.3 analyse and interpret research information
A3.4 demonstrate academic honesty by documenting the sources, including oral sources, of all information generated through research
A4.1 use an appropriate format
B1.1 identify and make connections between various elements of a world view or belief system
B1.2 compare world views or belief systems associated with a few different cultures to identify common purposes and functions
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Digital Skills for Democracy: Assessing online information to make civic choices
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate 2.0
- Hate or Debate
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Online Cultures and Values
- Reality Check: Authentication 101
- Reality Check: Authentication and Citizenship
- Reality Check: Getting the Goods on Science and Health
- Reality Check: News You Can Use
- Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
- Thinking about Hate