Outcome Chart - Ontario - Living and Working With Children 11

This chart contains media-related learning outcomes from Ontario, Curriculum Living and Working With Children, Grade 11, College Preparation, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Growth and Development

Overall Expectations

  • demonstrate an understanding of the multifaceted nature of and the various influences on child development;

Specific Expectations

The Nature of Child Development

  • propose solutions to problems that are detrimental to the healthy development of children (e.g., smoking, drinking, or drug use during pregnancy; hunger or malnutrition; abuse; parental neglect; separation; poverty);


Social Challenges

Overall Expectations

  • demonstrate an understanding of issues and challenges that concern parents, care-givers, and others who interact with children in society;

Specific Expectations

  • describe ways in which children become the targets of marketing, advertising, and the media (e.g., through licensing of products, back-to-school ad campaigns, Christmas toy launches);
