Outcome Chart - Alberta - Knowledge and Employability Social Studies Grade 8

Skills and Processes

Dimensions of Thinking

Students will:
Develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:

  • identify and re-examine their personal assumptions and opinions to broaden their understanding of a topic or issue
  • determine the validity of information based on context, bias, source, objectivity, evidence and reliability to broaden their understanding of a topic or issue
  • develop an awareness of how perspectives can shape understanding

Research for Deliberative Inquiry

Students will:
Apply research processes:

  • demonstrate responsible and ethical use of information and technology
  • locate information by using various parts of an information source; e.g., the glossary, table of contents, index and home page of a Web site
  • access and select information from a variety of sources; e.g., documents, art, songs, artifacts, narratives and oral stories
  • recognize that information serves a variety of purposes and that accuracy or relevance may require verification
  • compare various interpretations of events using a variety of evidence; e.g., photographs, artifacts, interviews and media reports


Students will:
Develop skills of media literacy:

  • identify techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
  • examine the values, lifestyles and points of view represented in media messages
  • recognize the impact of television, the Internet, radio and print media on a particular current affairs issue


Educational Games

Student Tutorial (Licensed Resource)