Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Psychology 30 – Human Development (Grade 12)

Overall Expectations:

P30.5 Investigate factors that influence development of the four dimensions (i.e., biological, cognitive, emotional, spiritual) from adolescence to early adulthood.

Specific Expectations: 

b. Examine issues and challenges in adolescence (e.g., substance misuse, eating disorders, teen parenting, gender identity, teen violence, crime, bullying, self-harm, suicide).

e. Analyze influences (e.g., cultural, gender, family, peers, media, poverty) on self-concept.

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Overall Expectations:

P30.9 Investigate various sociocultural factors that influence adulthood.

Specific Expectations:

a. Analyze the influences of various lifestyle choices (e.g., nutrition, exercise, substance abuse, how one chooses to handle stress, deceitfulness in a relationship) on the four dimensions (i.e., biological, cognitive, emotional, spiritual) during adulthood.

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