Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Social Studies 9

Goal: To examine the local, indigenous, and global interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies, cultures, and nations. (IN)

Overall Expectations

IN9.1 Explain what constitutes a society.

Specific Expectations

  1. Research a list of characteristics and attributes that formulate a definition of a society.

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Overall Expectations

IN9.2 Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.

Specific Expectations

  1. Explore personal student beliefs about some contemporary issues or problems (e.g., making friends; the role of technology in daily life; affordable housing; intergenerational families; global warming; post-secondary education; participating in religious or cultural ceremonies; designer clothing; healthy food choices; drinking and driving; violence).
  2. Define the concept of worldview.
  3. Hypothesize about the reasons underlying the similarities and differences between the worldview of one individual and that of another person.
  4. Construct a comparison of the worldviews of the societies studied.
  5. Determine reasons for the similarities and differences between the worldviews of two societies studied.
  6. Illustrate the similarities and differences between a personal modern worldview and that of a society studied, and speculate why these similarities and differences occur.

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Overall Expectations

IN9.3 Analyze the ways a worldview is expressed in the daily life of a society.

Specific Expectations

  1. Distinguish the worldviews represented in the literature of a society studied.
  2. Identify the architectural features which communicate the worldview of a society studied.
  3. Analyze how works of art of a society studied reveal elements of that society’s worldview.
  4. Examine the role of education in perpetuating the worldview of a society studied.
  5. Investigate the worldview of the local community as represented through features including literature, the arts, cultural celebrations and traditions, education (including Elders’ teachings of indigenous peoples), sports and recreation, and architecture.

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