Outcome Chart - Manitoba - English Language Arts 8
Overall Expectations: Language as Sense Making
- Select from and use a variety of strategies.
- Be aware of and articulate the ways that one engages with text.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are monitoring, reflecting on, and discussing processes for making sense of and creating texts.
- Learners are strategically selecting and applying strategies and processes for making sense of and creating different types of text for different purposes and audiences.
- Learners are using a variety of thinking processes to make sense of and respond to increasingly varied and complex text.
- Learners are using and integrating background knowledge and sources of information purposefully to make sense of increasingly varied and complex text.
MediaSmarts Resources
- "He Shoots, He Scores": Alcohol Advertising and Sports
- Advertising All Around Us
- Alcohol Myths
- Avatars and Body Image
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Comic Book Characters
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Editing Emotions
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Freedom to Smoke
- Game Time
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image - Lesson
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Images of Learning
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Mirror Image
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Once Upon a Time - Lesson
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Police in the Media
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- PushBack: Engaging in Online Activism
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Stay on the Path Lesson One: Searching for Treasure
- Stay on the Path Lesson Three: Treasure Maps
- Stay on the Path Lesson Two: All That Glitters is Not Gold
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- That's Not Cool
- The Constructed World of Media Families
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- TV Stereotypes
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- Video Games
- Who's on First? Alcohol Advertising and Sports
- Writing a Newspaper Article
- You've Gotta Have a Gimmick
Overall Expectations: Language as System
- Identify, analyze, and apply understandings of whole-part-whole relationships (e.g., function and relationship of parts within a whole design, cueing systems, fluency, word study).
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are using their understanding of a range of text structures and features to understand and communicate clearly and effectively.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Alcohol Myths
- Break the Fake: Verifying Information Online
- Comic Book Characters
- Police in the Media
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Editing Emotions
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Freedom to Smoke
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image - Lesson
- Getting the Toothpaste Back into the Tube
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Images of Learning
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Mirror Image
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- That's Not Cool
- The Girl in the Mirror
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Video Games
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Where's The Line? Online Safety Lesson Plan for School Resource Officers
- Who's on First? Alcohol Advertising and Sports
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
- Writing a Newspaper Article
- You've Gotta Have a Gimmick
Overall Expectations: Language as Exploration and Design
- Research and study topics and ideas.
- Interpret and integrate information and ideas from multiple texts and sources.
- Manage information and ideas.
- Invent, take risks, and reflect to create possibilities.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are participating in, extending, and discussing creative processes for designing.
- Learners are reconstructing, manipulating, and remixing existing texts or sets of texts to create new ideas, forms, purposes, and messages.
- Learners are tapping into and combining experiences with ideas, images, and sounds from various sources to create something new.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Break the Fake: Verifying Information Online
- Comic Book Characters
- Editing Emotions
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Freedom to Smoke
- Gender and Tobacco
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Mirror Image
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- PushBack: Engaging in Online Activism
- Remixing Media
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Stay on the Path Lesson One: Searching for Treasure
- Stay on the Path Lesson Three: Treasure Maps
- Stay on the Path Lesson Two: All That Glitters is Not Gold
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- Video Games
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
- You've Gotta Have a Gimmick
Overall Expectations: Language as Power and Agency
- Recognize and analyze inequities, viewpoints, and bias in texts and ideas.
- Investigate complex moral and ethical issues and conflicts.
- Contemplate the actions that can be taken, consider alternative viewpoints, and contribute other perspectives.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are recognizing that one’s identities are influenced by various factors and change over time and contexts.
- Learners are understanding that texts represent and promote particular beliefs, values, and ideas.
- Learners are exploring multiple perspectives, points of view, and interpretations.
- Learners are exploring their own voices to transform their identities, tell their personal narratives, and critically view their own and others’ texts.
- Learners are collaborating to investigate challenging social issues, moral dilemmas, and possibilities for social justice.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Alcohol Myths
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Break the Fake: Verifying Information Online
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Freedom to Smoke
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image - Lesson
- Getting the Toothpaste Back into the Tube
- I heard it 'round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Mixed Signals: Verifying Online Information
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Playing With Privacy
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: My Virtual Life
- PushBack: Engaging in Online Activism
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Stay on the Path Lesson One: Searching for Treasure
- Stay on the Path Lesson Three: Treasure Maps
- Stay on the Path Lesson Two: All That Glitters is Not Gold
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Tobacco Labels
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Violence and Video Games
- Where's The Line? Online Safety Lesson Plan for School Resource Officers
- Who's on First? Alcohol Advertising and Sports