Outcome Chart - Manitoba - English Language Arts 5
Overall Expectations: Language as Sense Making
- Access, use, build, and refine schema.
- Select from and use a variety of strategies.
- Be aware of and articulate the ways that one engages with text.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are demonstrating an understanding that texts are complex
- Learners are using and talking about a variety of strategies and processes to understand and create texts.
- Learners are reflecting on and using what they know about texts and themselves to make purposeful and personal decisions.
- Learners are enhancing meaning through dialogue, reflection and revision
MediaSmarts Resources
- "He Shoots, He Scores": Alcohol Advertising and Sports
- Advertising All Around Us
- Avatars and Body Image
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Introducing TV Families
- Introduction to Ethics: Avatars and Identity
- Once Upon a Time - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- The Constructed World of Media Families
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- TV Stereotypes
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson
Overall Expectations: Language as System
- Recognize, apply and adapt rules and conventions (e.g., form, genre, grammar, register, punctuation, elements of design, spelling, legibility).
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are recognizing, comparing, and using the codes and conventions of print, oral, visual, and multimodal texts.
- Learners are choosing and using multiple styles of communication for clarity and effect.
MediaSmarts Resources
- "He Shoots, He Scores": Alcohol Advertising and Sports
- Avatars and Body Image
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Break the Fake: What's Real Online?
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Earth Day: Maps as Media
- Game Time
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Introducing TV Families
- Looking at Food Advertising
- Teaching TV: Television Techniques - Lesson
- Media literacy key concepts lesson 6: Each medium is a unique aesthetic form
- Once Upon a Time - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?
- TV Stereotypes
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- What Students Need to Know about Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Grade 5) - Lesson
Overall Expectations: Language as Exploration and Design
- Research and study topics and ideas.
- Interpret and integrate information and ideas from multiple texts and sources.
- Manage information and ideas.
- Invent, take risks, and reflect to create possibilities.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are designing for specific purposes and for different audiences.
- Learners are using strategies, resources, and sources to explore ideas and deepen and extend thinking.
- Learners are contributing to communities to share knowledge, explore ideas, and deepen thinking.
- Learners are blending experiences to represent ideas in different ways.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Earth Day: Maps as Media
- Introducing TV Families
- Junk Food Jungle
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 2: Media are constructions
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- What Students Need to Know about Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Grade 5) - Lesson
Overall Expectations: Language as Power and Agency
- Recognize and analyze inequities, viewpoints, and bias in texts and ideas.
- Investigate complex moral and ethical issues and conflicts.
- Contemplate the actions that can be taken, consider alternative viewpoints, and contribute other perspectives.
Specific Expectations:
- Learners are recognizing the need for validity and reliability.
- Learners are beginning to analyze differences in opinion.
- Learners are expressing and supporting opinions and judgments.
- Learners are recognizing that point of view has an impact on understanding.
- Learners are exploring the decision making of text creators.
- Learners are exploring how ideas like justice, equity, and fairness are complex.
- Learners are recognizing families’ and peers’ unique identities and similar and different ways of seeing the world.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy
- Break the Fake: What's Real Online?
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Media literacy key concepts Introduction: What is media anyway?
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 2: Media are constructions
- Media literacy key concepts lesson 6: Each medium is a unique aesthetic form
- Stay on the Path Lesson Four: Scavenger Hunt
- Stay on the Path Lesson One: Searching for Treasure
- Stay on the Path Lesson Three: Treasure Maps
- Stay on the Path Lesson Two: All That Glitters is Not Gold
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- What Students Need to Know about Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Grade 5) - Lesson