Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Arts 7
Creating, Making and Presenting
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to explore, challenge, develop, and express ideas, using the skills, language, techniques, and processes of the arts.
Specific Expectations
- Explore the elements of design in creating and responding to artwork.
- Explore the principles of design in creating and responding to artwork.
- Experiment with a variety of media and techniques to make meaning in artwork.
- Choose appropriate art media and techniques in creating art.
- Develop and present artwork that investigates themes.
- Demonstrate critical analysis throughout the creative process.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Comic Book Characters
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media Kids
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Tobacco Labels
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to create and/or present, collaboratively and independently, expressive products in the arts for a range of audiences and purposes.
Specific Expectations
- Create original artwork expressing personal experiences.
- Select artwork from the process portfolio and organize displays for a range of purposes.
- Critique artwork of other students, respecting individual approaches and opinions of art.
- Collaborate to create and present artwork for a range of audiences.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Comic Book Characters
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media Kids
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Tobacco Labels
- Winning the Cyber Security Game
Understanding and Connecting Contexts of Time, Place and Community
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to demonstrate critical awareness of and the value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture.
Specific Expectations
- Investigate the role of visual communication.
- Critique artwork that reflects societal values.
- Create artwork that explores societal values.
- Participate in visual arts in school and community.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Gender and Tobacco
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media literacy key concepts lesson 6: Each medium is a unique aesthetic form
- Mirror Image
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Selling Tobacco
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Tobacco Labels
- Video Games
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to respect the contributions of individuals and cultural groups in local and global contexts, and value the arts as a record of human experiences and expression.
Specific Expectations
- Observe how art reflects the diversity of human experiences and artistic expressions.
- Demonstrate how interpretations of art are affected by individual experiences and influences.
- Create artwork reflecting influences from historical and contemporary artists and cultures.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Comic Book Characters
- Stereotyping and Bias
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to examine the relationship among the arts, societies, and environments.
Specific Expectations
- Create artwork that incorporates other artistic disciplines.
- Understand the process of securing copyright.
- Examine how art relates to daily life.
MediaSmarts Resources
Perceiving, Reflecting and Responding
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive work.
Specific Expectations
- Critique artwork by professional artists.
- Describe how professional artists have used the elements and principles of design.
- Explore how meaning is embedded in artwork.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Gender and Tobacco
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
- Mirror Image
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Selling Tobacco
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Tobacco Labels
- Video Games
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to understand the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works.
Specific Expectations
- Practise safety associated with proper care of art materials and tools.
- Use problem-solving techniques when creating artwork.
- Recognize the influence of technology on viewing and creating artwork.
MediaSmarts Resources
Overall Expectations
- Students will be expected to analyse the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work.
Specific Expectations
- Research why artists have created particular pieces of art.
- Present the intentions of their own artwork.
- Discover how research or viewer feedback can alter perception of an artwork.
MediaSmarts Resources