Media literacy key concepts Lesson 6: Each medium has a unique aesthetic form Lesson Plan


Level: Grade 4-6

Author: MediaSmarts has partnered with Concerned Children’s Advertisers to develop a suite of videos on each of the media literacy key concepts.

Duration: 45-90 minutes


In this lesson, students compare print and TV ads for the same product and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each medium to communicate a particular message. The class then brainstorms a public service message and discusses which medium would be a better way to communicate it and why.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • understand the key concept that each medium has a unique aesthetic form
  • identify the similarities and differences between different media
  • identify the advantages and disadvantages of using different media for a particular purpose
  • apply their understanding of the differences between media forms through the creation of a public service message (optional task)

This lesson and all associated documents (handouts, overheads, backgrounders) are available in an easy-print, pdf kit version.