Visual Art 1202
Understanding and Connecting Contexts of Time, Place and Community
Overall Expectations:
GCO 3: Students will be expected to demonstrate critical awareness of and the value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture
Specific Expectations:
- 7.0 Identify and discuss the role of visual art in their personal life, community and society
- 8.0 Explore art as a means to evoke emotions, and to communicate and/or challenge beliefs and opinions
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Camera Shots
Images of Learning
Political Cartoons
Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
Secure Comics
Overall Expectations:
GCO 4: Students will be expected to respect the contributions of individuals and cultural groups in local and global contexts, and value the arts as a record of human experiences and expression
Specific Expectations:
- 11.0 Identify, analyze, and create art works inspired by a variety of cultural, socio-economic, and national origins
- 12.0 Demonstrate an understanding of how individual and societal values affect our response to visual art
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
Miscast and Seldom Seen
Political Cartoons
Secure Comics
Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
Suffragettes and Iron Ladies
Overall Expectations:
GCO 5: Students will be expected to examine the relationship among the arts, societies and environments.
Specific Expectations:
- 13.0 Explore and integrate other art disciplines in the creation of visual art
- 14.0 Recognize the legal, moral and ethical issues of art creation
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Bias in News Sources
Camera Shots
Kellogg Special K Ads
Political Cartoons
Popular Music and Music Videos
Remixing Media
Secure Comics
The Citizen Reporter
Perceiving, Reflecting and Responding
Overall Expectations:
GCO 6. Students will be expected to apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive work
Specific Expectations:
- 15.0 Demonstrate informed and independent thinking when responding to art works.
- 16.0 Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving strategies in resolving visual design challenges.
- 17.0 Demonstrate an understanding of how meaning can be embedded in works of art
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Authentication Beyond the Classroom
Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
Images of Learning
Political Cartoons
Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
Remixing Media
Overall Expectations:
GCO 7: Students will be expected to understand the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works.
Specific Expectations:
- 19.0 Investigate the role/impact of technology in the visual arts
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Camera Shots
Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
Diversity and Media Ownership
First Person
Images of Learning
Political Cartoons
Popular Music and Music Videos
Remixing Media
Secure Comics
Overall Expectations:
GCO 8: Students will be expected to analyse the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work.
Specific Expectations:
- 21.0 Explore the relationship between an art work and its audience.
- 22.0 Explore the relationship between intention and outcomes in their own and others’ work
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Camera Shots
Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
Remixing Media
The Citizen Reporter
The Front Page