Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Arts 4

Understanding and Connecting Contexts of Time, Place, and Community

Overall Expectations

Students will be expected to demonstrate critical awareness of and the value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture.

Specific Expectations

Explore images from a variety of times and cultures to understand connections with their own time and place.

Examine artwork made for various purposes from past and present cultures.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

Students will be expected to examine the relationship among the arts, societies, and environments.

Specific Expectations

Consider the moral and ethical issues involved in copying artwork.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

Students will be expected to apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive works.

Specific Expectations

Examine the work of artists to determine how they have used the elements and principles of design.


MediaSmarts Resources