Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Drama 2206

Personal Growth

Overall Expectations

GCO 1: Students will be expected to demonstrate personal growth through participation and engagement.

Specific Expectations

  1. use skills that support a positive self-image
  2. apply strategies associated with effective group dynamics
  3. reflect on their personal growth using various forms of expression

Overall Expectations

GCO 2: Students will be expected to develop, express, and challenge ideas, using the skills, language, and techniques of drama.

Specific Expectations

  1. assume and sustain a role in a dramatic context
  2. use creative movement to interpret and communicate meaning
  3. use visuals to interpret and communicate meaning
  4. use speech to interpret and communicate meaning

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Creative Expression

Overall Expectations

Outcome 2: Students will be expected to collaboratively and independently create expressive work in drama.

Specific Expectations

  1. demonstrate an understanding of drama as a collaborative art form
  2. create a variety of dramatic works both independently and collaboratively
  3. use research to create a variety of dramatic forms

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

Students will be expected to create dramatic works that demonstrate an understanding of varying events, viewpoints, and cultures.

Specific Expectations

  1. connect their own experiences to the characters, ideas, and events in dramatic works created by themselves or others
  2. examine how dramatic works can reflect the ideas of individuals, communities, and societies
  3. examine how dramatic works can reflect lifestyles in particular times, places, and cultures

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations

GCO 6: Students will be expected to analyze the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work.

Specific Expectations

  1. use artistic elements to enhance dramatic intent
  2. analyze different artistic intents in a variety of dramatic works

Overall Expectations

GCO 7: Students will be expected to use critical thinking to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive works.

Specific Expectations

  1. respond critically to their own and others’ works
  2. respond with sensitivity and respect to the ideas of others