Outcome Chart - Nova Scotia - English Language Arts Grade 4
Overall Expectations: Listening and Speaking
- Learners will communicate effectively and clearly respecting cultural contexts.
Specific Expectations:
- express and explain opinions, and respond to questions and reactions of others
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Avatars and Body Image
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Earth Day: Maps as Media
- Facing Media Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Introducing TV Families
- Introduction to Ethics: Avatars and Identity
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising - Lesson 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Media literacy key concepts lesson 6: Each medium is a unique aesthetic form
- Prejudice and Body Image
- The Anatomy of Cool
- The Constructed World of Media Families
- The Hero Project: Authenticating Online Information
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 3: Build Understanding
- Violence in Sports
Overall Expectations: Reading and viewing
- Learners will select, interpret, and combine information from culturally diverse contexts.
- Learners will respond personally and critically to a range of culturally diverse texts.
Specific Expectations:
- Begin to refine keyword choices in a search engine to access relevant information
- Select relevant, dependable sources of information, with guidance
- Interpret relevant information from selected sources, with guidance
- Combine information to enhance understanding, with guidance
- Give credit to sources of information, with guidance
- Begin to ask critical-thinking questions to clarify understanding, with guidance
- Support opinions with specific relevant evidence from the text
- Begin to develop an awareness of stereotyping, bias, and/or prejudice, with guidance.
- Begin to respond to stereotyping, bias, and/or prejudice with guidance
- Recognize authors’ viewpoints providing evidence from the text and personal experiences.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Avatars and Body Image
- Break the Fake: What's Real Online?
- Comparing Real Families to TV Families
- Cyber Choices (licensed resource)
- Girls and Boys on Television
- Introducing TV Families
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising - Lesson 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Looking at Food Advertising
- Media Kids
- Media literacy key concepts Introduction: What is media anyway?
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 2: Media are constructions
- Media literacy key concepts lesson 6: Each medium is a unique aesthetic form
- Once Upon a Time - Lesson
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Pay For Play
- Prejudice and Body Image
- The Anatomy of Cool
- The Constructed World of Media Families
- The Hero Project: Authenticating Online Information
- TV Stereotypes
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 3: Build Understanding
- Understanding the Internet Lesson 4: Communication and Social Media
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson