Outcome Chart – Nova Scotia – Learning Strategies 12

Overall Expectations: Awareness of Self and Others

12.1 demonstrate an understanding of self and others, the similarities and differences that exist among people, and apply their understandings in a variety of learning situations

Specific Expectations:

12.1.5 demonstrate socially competent behaviour and digital citizenship

12.1.6 demonstrate an understanding, respect, and recognition of the value of diversity

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Overall Expectations: Organization

12.2 apply effective organizational skills and strategies to support learning in a variety of learning situations

Specific Expectations:

12.2.3 apply critical thinking skills in a variety of settings

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Overall Expectations: Learning strategies in the context of literacy

12.4 use a variety of learning strategies in the context of literacy to enhance reading and writing, speaking and listening, viewing and representing, and comprehension

Specific Expectations:

12.4.4 recognize bias in a variety of media and demonstrate respect for diversity in a variety of settings

12.4.5 use critical thinking skills for a variety of purposes

MediaSmarts Resources