Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - English Language Arts 7
This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Newfoundland and Labrador English Language Arts curriculum, Grade 7, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
Speaking and Listening
Overall Expectations
GCO 1: Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
Specific Expectations
1.1 recognize that contributions from others are needed to generate and sustain discussions
1.2 ask questions of others about their ideas
1.3 respond to questions to provide clarification and elaboration
1.4 express a point of view and support it with personal examples, explanations, or reasoning
1.5 use active listening skills to identify main ideas and supporting details
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Selling Tobacco
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Up, Up and Away? (TM)
Overall Expectations
GCO 3: Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose.
3.2 express ideas and opinions in a manner that reflects sensitivity and shows respect to others
3.3 recognize that values and attitudes such as bias, beliefs, and prejudice can be reflected in oral language
3.4 demonstrate an awareness that oral language can be used to influence and manipulate
MediaSmarts Resources
- Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Understanding Cyberbullying: Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
Reading and Viewing
Overall Expectations
GCO 4: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual text.
Specific Expectations
4.2 explore how text features help to create meaning
4.3 identify a variety of reading and viewing processes and strategies to construct meaning from texts
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Mirror Image
- Selling Tobacco
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- Tobacco Labels
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Video Games
Student Tutorials
Overall Expectations
GCO 5: Students will be expected to interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies.
Specific Expectations
5.1 identify relevant or interesting topics and questions for further inquiry
5.2 recognize the need for a variety of reliable information from various sources
5.3 locate and select information from a variety of sources
5.4 experiment with a variety of effective inquiry approaches and strategies
MediaSmarts Resources
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- I heard it ‘round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
Student Tutorials
Overall Expectations
GCO 6: Students will be expected to respond personally to a range of texts.
Specific Expectations
6.1 use examples and supporting ideas to explain personal responses to texts
MediaSmarts Resources
Student Tutorials
Overall Expectations
GCO 7: Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form and genre
Specific Expectations
7.1 recognize that texts can be biased
7.2 recognize the need to question a text’s language, form, and genre
7.3 explore the tools text creators use to achieve different purposes
7.4 describe the impact that text form, content, and structure have on meaning
7.5 demonstrate an awareness that values and personal experiences influence understanding of and critical responses to texts
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Cop Shows
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Video Games
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Writing a Newspaper Article
Student Tutorials
Writing and Representing
Overall Expectations
GCO 8: Students will be expected to use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imaginations.
Specific Expectations
8.1 experiment with a variety of strategies as language learners
8.2 experiment with writing and representing to extend, explore, and reflect on ideas
8.3 identify strategies that help them learn and describe their personal growth as language learners
8.4 experiment with stylistic effects in writing and representing to create interest
MediaSmarts Resources
- Buy Nothing Day
- Cop Shows
- Images of Learning
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Selling Tobacco
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- The Girl in the Mirror
- Video Games
Overall Expectations
GCO 9: Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes.
Specific Expectations
9.1 create a range of texts
9.2 experiment with a variety of writing and representing forms and styles to suit purpose(s) and intended audience(s)
MediaSmarts Resources
- Buy Nothing Day
- Cop Shows
- Images of Learning
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Selling Tobacco
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- The Girl in the Mirror
- Video Games
Student Tutorials
Overall Expectations
GCO 10: Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.
Specific Expectations
10.1 use writing and representing strategies that help create a variety of texts
10.2 use the conventions of written language
10.3 use various technologies for the purpose of communication
10.4 demonstrate a commitment to the processes involved in creating texts
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Buy Nothing Day
- Comic Book Characters
- Cop Shows
- Images of Learning
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Privacy and Internet Life: Lesson Plan for Intermediate Classrooms
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Selling Tobacco
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- That’s Not Cool
- The Girl in the Mirror
- Tobacco Labels
- Video Games
- Video Production of a Newscast
- Writing a Newspaper Article