New Brunswick - Explore Your World K to 2
Strand: Literacies and Communications
Big Idea: Literate Identities
Skill Descriptor:
Demonstrate being a reader, writer, and communicator in multiple languages.
Achievement Indicators:
Attempt to integrate new words into communicative opportunities with others.
Engage with a variety of media and/or text in multiple languages.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Break the Fake: What's in the Frame?
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Looking at Advertising: Brands and Mascots
- Media Stereotypes
- Once Upon a Time
- Packaging Tricks
- Representing Ourselves Online
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching Media: Critically Evaluating Media
- Teaching Media: The Construction Crew
- Teaching Media: Learning With Media
- Teaching Media: The Frame as a Story Teller
- Teaching Media: Media Techniques
- Teaching Media: Thinking About Media
- Wacky Media Songs: Community Engagement
- Wacky Media Songs: Consumer Awareness
- Wacky Media Songs: Ethics and Empathy
- Wacky Media Songs: Finding and Verifying
- Wacky Media Songs: Making and Remixing
- Wacky Media Songs: Media Health
- Wacky Media Songs: Media Representation
- Wacky Media Songs: Privacy and Security
- Wacky Media Songs: Reading Media
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Skill Descriptor:
Use digital technologies to learn and communicate.
Achievement Indicators:
Use technology to explore multiple languages
View or create imagery, artwork, and messages in multiple languages.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Looking at Advertising: Brands and Mascots
- Once Upon a Time
- Packaging Tricks
- Representing Ourselves Online
- Rules of the Game
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching Media: The Construction Crew
- Teaching Media: The Frame as a Story Teller
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Strand: Well-Being
Big Idea: Emotional Health and Positive Identities
Skill Descriptor:
Explore activities that foster enjoyment and well-being.
Achievement Indicators:
Engage in child-led activities (e.g., games, make-believe, role-playing, building, etc.)
Explore curiosities
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Looking at Advertising: Brands and Mascots
- Packaging Tricks
- Representing Ourselves Online
- Wacky Media Songs: Making and Remixing
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Skill Descriptor:
Recognize that feelings and emotions can impact well-being, relationships, and the way we engage with others.
Achievement Indicators:
Identify emotions that can influence actions and reactions.
MediaSmarts Resources
Big Idea: Physical Health and Active Participation
Skill Descriptor:
Analyze personal safety and healthy practices.
Achievement Indicators:
Define personal safety
Discuss healthy practices
Identify safe spaces, people, and behaviours
Use strategies that contribute to a healthy lifestyle
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Facing TV Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives
- Healthy Food Web
- Internet Time Capsule
- Packaging Tricks
- Privacy Pursuit: What is Privacy?
- Representing Ourselves Online
- Wacky Media Songs: Consumer Awareness
- Wacky Media Songs: Privacy and Security
Skill Descriptor:
Apply behaviours and practices that promote safety.
Achievement Indicators:
Demonstrate safe behaviours and practices.
Use practices that contribute to a safe and caring environment.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Facing TV Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing TV Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing TV Violence: Rewriting the Script
- Privacy Pursuit: What is Privacy?
- Rules of the Game
- Wacky Media Songs: Ethics and Empathy
- Wacky Media Songs: Privacy and Security
Strand: Play and Playfulness
Big Idea: Imagination and Creativity
Skill Descriptor:
Practice using flexible and fluid thinking in new and familiar situations.
MediaSmarts Resources
Skill Descriptor:
Examine new activities, interests, and possibilities.
Achievement Indicators:
Create games, activities, and multiple opportunities to interact with others and the environment.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Internet Time Capsule
- Looking at Advertising: Brands and Mascots
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Big Idea: Exploration and problem solving
Skill Descriptor:
Negotiate, compromise, and work together
Achievement Indicators:
Demonstrate an increased willingness to reflect on alternate perspectives and conflicting points of views.
Use creativity and innovation in interactions, play, and problem solving.
Use conflict resolution strategies to work together and problem solve.
MediaSmarts Resources
Skill Descriptor:
Gather evidence to create and answer questions.
Achievement Indicators:
Investigate and collect information to create and answer questions.
Invent approaches to solving practical problems.
MediaSmarts Resources
Big Idea: Play and inquiry
Skill Descriptor:
Engage in activities that introduce elements of risk, novelty, and the unknown.
Achievement Indicators:
Participate in guided and free explorations to observe and answer questions around objects and activities that are new and familiar.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Favourite Sports and Athletes
- Internet Time Capsule
- Packaging Tricks
- Teaching Media: Critically Evaluating Media
- Teaching Media: The Construction Crew
- Teaching Media: The Frame as a Story Teller
- Teaching Media: Media Techniques
- Wacky Media Songs: Media Representation
- Wacky Media Songs: Reading Media
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Skill Descriptor:
Interact with others to share interest, enjoyments, or new information.
Achievement Indicators:
Ask questions of each other, tinker, wonder, and prompt new play
MediaSmarts Resources
- Teaching Media: Critically Evaluating Media
- Teaching Media: The Construction Crew
- Packaging Tricks
- Rules of the Game
- So Many Choices!
- What do Halloween costumes say?
Strand: Diversity and Social Responsibility
Big Idea: Inclusiveness and Equity
Skill Descriptor:
Act to change inequitable practices.
Achievement Indicators:
Explain what it means to be fair/unfair
Explore different perspectives of what it means to be fair
Demonstrate a willingness to promote fairness
MediaSmarts Resources
Big Idea: Democratic Practices
Skill Descriptor:
Act as responsible and responsive community members.
Achievement Indicators:
Demonstrate respect toward your community and your environment
MediaSmarts Resources
Skill Descriptor:
Participate in decision making processes.
Achievement Indicators:
Demonstrate an increased willingness to investigate and reflect when making a decision
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Adversmarts: Understanding Food Advertising Online
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Facing TV Violence: Rewriting the Script
- Privacy Pursuit: What is Privacy?
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching Media: Critically Evaluating Media
- Wacky Media Songs: Community Engagement
- What do Halloween costumes say?