Outcome Chart - Atlantic Provinces - Social Studies 7-9
Citizenship, Power and Governance
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and the origins, functions and sources of power, authority and governance.
- analyze the distribution of power and privilege in society and the sources of authority in the lives of citizens
- explain the origins and continuing influence of the main principles of Canadian democracy
- identify and critically examine persistent issues involving the rights, responsibilities, roles and status of individual citizens and groups in a local, national and global context
- explain, analyze and compare the effectiveness of various methods of influencing public policy
- Alcohol on the Web
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Bias in the News
- Crime in the News
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law (Grades 7 - 8)
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Images of Learning: Elementary
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- The Girl in the Mirror
- The Impact of Gender Role Stereotypes
- The Price of Happiness: On Advertising, Image, and Self Esteem
- Thinking About Hate
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Understanding Cyberbullying: Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
Culture and Diversity
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of culture, diversity, and world view, recognizing the similarities and differences reflected in various personal, cultural, racial, and ethnic perspectives.
- compare the ways cultures meet human needs and wants
- explain how and why perspectives influence the ways in which experiences are interpreted
The following Media Issues sections contain resources for these outcomes:
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the interdependent relationship among individuals, societies, and the environment—locally, nationally, and globally—and the implications for a sustainable future.
- explain the complexity that arises from the interdependent nature of relationships among individuals, nations, human organizations, and natural systems
- analyze selected issues to illustrate interdependence
Time, Continuity and Change
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the past and how it affects the present and the future
- identify and analyze trends that could shape the future
- demonstrate an understanding that the interpretation of history reflects perspectives, frames of reference, and biases
- Alcohol on the Web
- Crime in the News
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Images of Learning: Elementary
- Kellogg Special K Ads
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer & Brand Names
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- Marketing to Teens: Talking Back
- News Journalism Across the Media: Introduction
- Perceptions of Youth and Crime
- Selling Tobacco
- Sports Personalities in Magazine Advertising
- Television Broadcast Ratings
- The Girl in the Mirror
- The Impact of Gender Role Stereotypes
- The Price of Happiness: On Advertising, Image, and Self Esteem
- Tobacco Labels
- Video Games
- Violence and Video Games
- Violence in Sports
Individual Development and Identity
Students will be expected to demonstrate how personal development and identity are shaped by society and how individuals help shape society.
- examine how advertisers and propagandists can use the various forms of the media to promote their interests
- examine the influence of peer groups on the development of self
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law (Grades 7 - 8)
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Media Minute Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media Minute Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media Minute Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: Our Values and Ethics
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- The Girl in the Mirror
- The Privacy Dilemma
- Thinking About Hate
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
- Understanding Cyberbullying: Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
Student Tutorial
Individuals, Societies and Economic Decisions
Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to make responsible economic decisions as individuals and as members of society.
- explain how consumer decisions affect the economy
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Media Minute Lesson 3: Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media Minute Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media Minute Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
Global Connections
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of global connections and the causes, consequences and possible solutions to global issues.
- examine causes, conditions, consequences and possible solutions to persistent, contemporary and emerging global issues such as health, security, resource allocation, economic development and environmental quality
- analyze cases and policy statements relating to universal human rights and equity principles
- analyze the effects of changing technologies on the global community
Groups and Institutions
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how groups and institutions are formed, what controls and influences them, how they interact with individuals and cultures, and how they are maintained and changed.
- analyze the function of selected institutions
- describe how groups and institutions influence people and society
- describe how individuals influence groups and institutions
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law (Grades 7 - 8)
- The Girl in the Mirror
- Understanding Cyberbullying : Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
People, Place and Environment
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the interactions among people, places and the environment.
- use geographic tools, technologies, representations to interpret, pose and answer questions about natural and human systems
- analyze ways in which social, political, economic, and cultural systems develop in response to the physical environment
The following Media Issues sections contain resources for these outcomes:
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Information Privacy
- Media Stereotyping Overview